WWW.CCL.ORG.UA During the reporting period, steady organizational, legal and material support was provided to the relatives of Ukrainian citizens impris - oned in Russia for political reasons, including arranging for them to send parcels to prisoners and visit the latter. As part of the #Prison - ersVoice campaign, dozens of statements in support of the prisoners of the Kremlin were released last year, both inde - • side event Crimean pendently and jointly with part - Svoboda journalist Vla - ner organizations, and about Childhood: Occupation for dyslav Yesypenko and , the Youngest, organized other journalists working teleconferences, roundta - by the CCL in partnership in occupied Crimea, bles and conferences were with the Ukrainian Insti - which has received organized and held, the most support from dozens of prominent of them being: margins of the Crimean well-known journalists; • unique all-Ukrainian Platform, which for the • performance event Lives exhibition project Crimea. Summer Season: What issue of protecting the of Hostages Are Not Toys, They Can’t Take Away from rights of political pris - held outside the Presiden - Us, which was implement - ed in June-July jointly with presented an artistic pho - timed to coincide with partner organizations. tography project telling the meeting of President the story of ten children Zelensky and President was to remind Ukrainians of political prisoners; Biden in late August. For and international actors • international event this event, we managed of the occupation of the peninsula and to collect #JournalismIsNotaC - partner organizations and artifacts that embody our rime, held in solidarity remind people on the eve memories of Crimea; with imprisoned Radio of the historic meeting on citizens were still held in the Kremlin dungeons ways to get these people human rights activists and representatives of relevant public authorities was held was initiated by the Presi - to our August event.

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