WWW.CCL.ORG.UA PROMOTING INTERNET FREEDOM IN UKRAINE In 2021, the American Bar As - NGOs, the private sector personal data, which webinars sociation Rule of Law Initiative and public authorities. are held through an Internet (ABA ROLI) and the Center for In May 2021, the Center for Civil Liberties launched to study Internet freedom project entitled Promoting and participate in public Internet Freedom in Ukraine, events which included round campaigns in support of it. which aims to support laws tables, webinars, and joint and policies aimed at protect - advocacy events to defend ing Internet freedoms and democratic principles and freedom of expression online. - The project simultaneously net space administration. works in three areas, namely The CCL Training Hub has strengthening expertise launched the Internet Free - in Internet freedom and dom Club program, which national security, increasing the capacity of Ukrainian Internet freedom, freedom of NGOs to protect and promote speech on the Internet, media Internet freedom, and stim - literacy, critical thinking de - ulating interaction between velopment, and legislation on

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