Organizational development In 2021, the institutional which allows us to use the - development of the organi - latest tools to improve the zation unfolded in several organization’s digital repre - increased. Specialists in main areas that contributed sentation, which is becoming project and event man - to increasing the stability of especially important in the agement, PR and commu - the organization’s operations. nications, and fundraising For instance, the organi - have joined the team. zation expanded the list of - internal policies and pro - ment page that allows training in the areas of cedures that are important communications, digital for sustainable work and support our activities. security, fundraising basics, We developed the Fund - project management, project we developed the Privacy raising Strategy for 2021-2023 budgeting, the use of remote Policy on the use of personal with an emphasis on diver - communication and planning data of website users and tools, which is especially improved the Risk Matrix. important under coronavi - attract non-grant funds enti - rus pandemic conditions. website for the organization,

Annual Report 2021 - Page 35 Annual Report 2021 Page 34 Page 36