WWW.CCL.ORG.UA The year 2021 showed us that the human rights movement does exist in Ukraine, but, unfortunately, one of the indicators of its activity is the increase in the number of attacks on human rights activists. Analyzing this problematic - itive trend of human rights activists becoming more outspoken about attacks and harassment, their increased condence in human rights organizations working to protect them. A separate area in the for - In 2021, we kept working questions that arose during system for the protection record cases of attacks on The human rights move - of human rights activists human rights activists, as well ment of Ukraine is in an active communication between the as stages of communication formation phase and needs Center for Civil Liberties and with law enforcement agen - special attention concerning law enforcement agencies cies and courts on the Inter - - on violations of procedural active Map of Civil Society age of human rights activists Harassment (http://ccl.org. and promotion of their work to open, openings or closures among ordinary citizens of of criminal proceedings this country, as well as at the under the Law of Ukraine “On representation of up-to-date Access to Public Information”. information on the state of Recently, there has been pressure on human rights has been launched to create - activists by time and region. motivational interviews with forcement agencies failing to The Center for Civil Liber - human rights activists. provide the requested infor - ties initiated the development mation within the framework of an updated version of of this Law, which indicates the legal self-help chatbot that the system is still closed FightBack 2. Having analyzed despite populist statements user requests, we began work to the contrary. Such circum - on improving the resource, stances facilitate development focusing on legal aid in the - oversight mechanisms for dent and supplementing the law enforcement agencies. answers to the most common

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