ANNUAL REPORT 2022 3. WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES POINT 7 This is the name we gave to a project implemented in co- operation with ABA ROLI and Vostok SOS. It recalls Article 7 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states that all people are equal and entitled to equal protection against any discrimination. The project was aimed at promoting social cohesion and national unity in Ukraine, built around democratic principles and tolerance to differences between ethnic groups and national minorities, members of the LGBTI community, internally displaced persons, and other groups by supporting civil society and media initiatives. The Point 7 project was planned as a way to transform Ukrainian society, where the destination is a world of all parties to agree on the Initiatives of journalists in which people of different agenda for further action. included analytical and expert backgrounds, beliefs, inter- In addition to advocacy content, articles and the ests, and religious views are events, the project consisted development of multimedia actively involved in the life of educational programmes, products. Information web of their communities and camps for youth and a de- resource with an interac- have equal opportunities mocracy school for public tive map of the project and to express themselves. activists. The most active analytical materials can be We held regional working participants received sup- found at meetings in the format of port from local initiatives. The full-scale invasion of Coffee with Human Rights Ac- To influence the local infor- RF did not prevent project tivists in 16 regions in 2021– mation field as part of the pro- implementation, nor the 2022. We discussed pressing ject, we supported All-Ukrain- development of guidelines for issues of the region with the ian media initiatives as part line ministries on enhancing participation of local human of the first and second Equal social cohesion in conditions rights organisations, repre- and Free competitions. Based of martial law in Ukraine. sentatives of target groups, on the results of competitions, experts, and representatives cross-regional journalist of local authorities. The teams created and published regional events also aimed to materials aimed at overcom- build a dialogue between the ing stereotypes and raising most active representatives the level of national identity. 25

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