ANNUAL REPORT 2022 FINANCIAL REPORT Nobel Peace PrizeFINANCIAL REPORT 11.892.086,05 SUPPORT RECEIVED AH 12.000.000 IN 2022: d in U e at , Sida e indic 3 58ency 1 10 9, All amounts ar 7 2 0 10.000.000 12.84ation Ag ooperOSI) 10.200e ( F opment C el v368, 8.000.000 l De5.y Institut 4 ernationa8.2 6.000.000 oundation Open Societ The Swedish IntF 10/FDD)003 S) ee SIGRID a» RAUSING y 04,500, aine 4.000.000 TRUST2 y (BHR ommitt 3.260,70 ory activities 2.7artment (FRF,e ednann ands MIA 6rustacy570068 sociation Y am in Ukr atut 06e Dep1.804.6ausch93entr 00 00 48 s ogr 46,83 4.at2,7001..20,y C19, ation« 00 64 r or st S St68ausing T9,ndowment AID91an Bar As000,aniz 54, 56, ender 00 ands Helsinki C Ul Eor DemocrS937.8 g 000, 6 18f 6 2. 50. 5. 080, 20, 866.2 2.000.000 71.64 5 7 4. 4. opment P 3 39 Americ 50. 2 el 65Nationa 4 ublic or 4 dom of the Netherl4ltic Human Rights Societ2 v The Sigrid R4eedom Houseue Civil SocietP 3 act Inc (U(German MIA) Austrg Ba 2.PFa King ont Line Def126. 85. The Netherl 2.r r Other donations f P F UN De 0

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