WWW.CCL.ORG.UA and UN Working Groups, and detentions of activists, and provide legal aid and UN Committees, and Inter- representatives of local financial support for fami- national Criminal Court. authorities, journalists, lies of political prisoners. We set up a network of religious figures, and volun- In the Vatican, we organ- volunteer lawyers who pro- teers in temporarily occupied ised a campaign to support vide legal aid to the families territories. There is an active residents of Mariupol who of captives. The network contact centre for war-af- were forced by occupational consists of 20 specialists in in- fected people who stay in the forces to undergo filtration. ternational humanitarian law. areas of hostilities in Ukraine A large share of the popula- Twenty-five cases of or moved abroad, which also tion was illegally imprisoned enforced disappearances of received information on ille- following the filtration. The Ukrainian civilians were filed gal detentions of civilians in Pope has been forwarded to the International Criminal the occupied territories and a letter with a request to Court and over 70 cases were abductions of civilians from intensify the work of the forwarded to UN Working the safety of their homes by International Committee of Groups on Enforced Disap- Russian military personnel. the Red Cross to evacuate pearances and the ECHR. We also continue monitor- the civilian population from Our organisation started ing the cases of those who Mariupol, as well as wounded tracking and recording infor- are persecuted for political and sick military personnel mation on the persecutions motives in occupied Crimea of the Ukrainian army. 16

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