WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 3.6. Organisational development In 2022, the institutional Specialists in project man- communications, digital development of the organ- agement, PR and communica- security, result-oriented isation unfolded in several tions, international advocacy project management and main areas that contributed and experts joined our team. administration, use of remote to increasing the stability of We introduced a system communication tools. With the organisation’s operations. of psychological support for the onset of the full-scale The Organisation adopted the staff with the possibility invasion, organisation staff a new Charter and improved of individual consultations. is actively involved in the the managerial structure. We Under conditions of new training on documenting war updated a series of internal challenges faced by the crimes, basic international policies and procedures that organisation during the war, humanitarian law, etc. are important for sustainable the technical framework was work and transparency. considerably strengthened, We also updated the organisa- which now allows for con- tion’s website: it now contains a ducting our activities even user-friendly search engine and in case of a partial blackout. a payment page where you can We offer routine training of financially support CCL activities. staff on external and internal 30

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