ANNUAL REPORT 2022 3. WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES We held six first-level Despite the circumstanc- discussion at 2 p.m. on the introductory courses on es, this year we continued third Wednesday of each human rights. The audience Solidarity Talks – an interna- month. It is a unifying and of such events is very diverse, tional discussion of important supportive coalition com- but all attendees are united topics for the Eurasia Region. ponent that helps us lend by a common goal to protect All our participants (human a hand in difÏcult times the rights of everyone in rights activists and human when one of our fellow this country. We worked rights organisations of the human rights activists needs with young people, children, Eurasia Region) know that it. Therefore, we will con- university students, public we start our international tinue this activity in 2023. figures and experts, non-gov- ernmental organisations, and anyone who wanted to learn more about human rights or become a human rights activist. During these events, we also strived to convey the following information: • What are human rights and how to protect them? • How to exercise one’s rights in real life, and not just know that they exist in some document? • What violations of rights actually happen almost every day? And how to respond to them? 27

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