ANNUAL REPORT 2022 INTRODUCTION For a long time, we used their cases. Because an- work with meanings, edu- law to protect human rights, yone’s life is priceless. cate people, build grass-root but now we do not have Dictators are afraid that the support and engage people in any legal mechanisms to idea of freedom will prevail. the protection of rights and stop Russian atrocities. So This is why Russia is trying freedoms. This movement many of the human rights to convince the whole world should unite intellectuals activists were compelled to that the rule of law, human and activists from different defend what they believe in rights and democracy are countries, because the ideas with arms in their hands. fake values. Because they of freedom and human rights If we don’t want to live in do not protect anyone in are universal and have no the world where rules are this war. Yes, the law doesn’t state borders. This way we can set by states with stronger work right now. But we do make this world a safer place. military capabilities, this not think it is forever. We do not want our chil- has to be changed. We have We have to establish an dren to go through wars and to start reforming the inter- international tribunal and suffering. It’s time to assume national system to protect bring Putin, Lukashenko the responsibility. We don’t people from wars and au- and other war criminals to know how much of the time thoritarian regimes. This justice. We have to prove we still have. Finally, you new system should have that the rule of law does don’t have to be Ukrainians human rights at its core. work, and justice does exist, to support Ukraine. It is And the responsibility even if they are delayed. enough just to be humans. for this lies not only with politicians. They often act as if global challenges FIFTH. HOW CAN GLOBAL would disappear by them- SOLIDARITY BECOME selves. But the truth is OUR PASSION? Oleksandra that they only get worse. Matviichuk, We, people who want to We are responsible for Head of the live in peace, should tell everything that happens in Organization politicians that we need the world. Human rights Center or Civil a new architecture of the require a certain mindset, Liberties world order. Ordinary people a specific perception of have much more influence the world that determines than they think they do. our thinking and behavior. Human rights become less relevant if their protection FOURTH . HOW TO ENSURE is left only to lawyers JUSTICE FOR THOSE and diplomats. So, AFFECTED BY THE WAR? it is not enough to pass the War turns people into num- right laws or bers. We have to reclaim the create formal names of all victims of war institutions. crimes. Regardless of who This means they are, their social status, that we need a type of crime they have suf- new humanist fered, and whether the media movement and society are interested in that would 5

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