ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 3.6 Organisational development In 2023, the Center for Civil Ukrainian legislation, which This year, the Center for Liberties developed an updat- was also taken into account. Civil Liberties communica- ed 2024–2026 Strategy, which Particular attention is paid to tions team worked extremely is the organisation‘s response organisational development effectively, and the structure to the challenges of Russia‘s and strengthening the organ- of the team itself has changed. ongoing military aggression isation‘s capacity to respond Currently, the organisation‘s and the general weakening to challenges and adapt its communications department of European and interna- work to constant change. consists of a coordinator, tional security mechanisms. A psychological support a press secretary, an SMM At the same time, Ukraine system is in place for the or- manager, and a writer. A clear has gained new opportunities ganisation‘s team, voluntary division of areas of respon- for European integration, medical insurance has been sibility allows for excellent which require increased introduced, and a number of performance of a particular attention from human rights trainings have been held to job, as each team member is defenders in the adaptation of improve skills and teamwork. a professional in her field. 3.6.1. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA The Communications De- partment actively cooperated with various national and international media, providing them with information and expert opinions on human rights, war crimes, prisoners of war and civilian prison- ers, civic monitoring, and education and awareness. This year, the Center for Civil team used a variety of According to the Se- Liberties has been engaged channels, including its mantic Force monitoring in various communication website and social media, system, the Center for Civil activities aimed at spreading as well as press releases, Liberties was mentioned in information about the impor- engaging media partners Ukrainian and English tance of human rights pro- to cover public events and more than 13 thousand tection. The communications creating publications. times in various media and 35

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