WWW.CCL.ORG.UA TRIBUNAL FOR PUTIN In response to the full-scale aggression of RF in February 2022, the Center for Civil Liberties co-founded a global initiative “Breaking the Vicious Circle of Russia’s Impunity for Its War Crimes” (“Tribunal for Putin” in short). Together with into one network. Their This initiative is unique, as initiating partners from the task is to document events its documenting methodology Ukrainian Helsinki Human with signs of crimes under allows for almost step-by-step Rights Union and Kharkiv the Rome Statute of the recreation of the timeline of Human Rights Protection International Criminal Court crime commission in all re- Group, we managed to unite (genocide, crimes against gions of Ukraine since 24 Feb- over 15 regional organisations humanity, war crimes). ruary. To this end, human rights activists apply diverse methods: from face-to-face communication with witness- es and victims to open-source intelligence (OSINT). Collect- ed data are accumulated in a dedicated database, while any personal information is subjected to additional en- cryption. In late 2022, the total number of episodes amount- ed to 28 thousand. These are intentional murders, kidnap- pings, torture, rape, damage to property, looting, and many more crimes committed by the Russian military against Ukrainian civilians. In some regions, the initiative has gathered more data on war crimes than the government of Ukraine or international or- ganisations currently possess. 14

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