WWW.CCL.ORG.UA HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVISTS AT WAR Due to the full-scale war, Ukrainian human rights ac- tivists were forced to suspend their human rights activities: some started volunteering, others joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Our team in the #HumanRightsAc- tivistsAtWar video project talked about how the lives of human rights defenders had changed with the war. We filmed 15 episodes where activists shared their con- their activity. Videos were https://bit.ly/ cerns and motives to change viewed by 36 thousand users. hr_defenders_war NATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS AWARD On 10 December 2022, in the field of human rights Human Rights Center, and which is the International protection: personal or as Yurii Bilous, a lawyer Day of Human Rights, the part of the activities of the documenting RF war crime. Center for Civil Liberties human rights organisation. Matilda Bogner, Head of the held the seventh National Amongst a large number UN Human Rights Monitor- Human Rights Award of nominees, members of ing Mission in Ukraine, and as part of the #Human- the Human Rights Agenda Jennes de Mol, Ambassador Rights NonConference coalition selected two Extraordinary and Plenipo- 2022. It is awarded for winners: Liudmyla Yankina, tentiary of the Kingdom of outstanding achievements Project Manager at ZMINA the Netherlands to Ukraine. 12

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