WWW.CCL.ORG.UA VOLUNTEER PRIZE 2023 This year, the Center for Civil Liberties held the tenth-an- niversary ceremony in honour of ‘ordinary people doing extraordinary things’ as part of the Euromaidan SOS initiative, once called the Volunteer Prize. The All-Ukrainian Vol- unteer Prize initiative is a national non-governmental award for a particular con- tribution to the volunteer movement in Ukraine in honour of ‘ordinary people who do extraordinary things’. home front: a few united into abandoned the procedure of The Prize was founded in thousands, and the volunteer nominating volunteers, be- November 2014 by the Eu- movement exploded with cause the contribution of one roMaidan SOS initiative and powerful initiatives, while person and a large charitable guided by the Center for Civil almost all clusters of social foundation alike is important Liberties when a large-scale life manifested unity, mutual in wartime and necessary for volunteer movement be- support, and assistance. our Victory. Instead of awards, came a decisive response to Volunteering has become part ratings, long and short lists, new challenges. In February of the new Ukrainian culture. we have created a website 2022, the whole of Ukraine This year‘s award was spe- where people can leave words became a reliable volunteer cial. For the first time, we have of gratitude to each and 26

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