ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES at the local and national level, the implementation of which will significantly improve the accessibility and basic quality of shelters. In total, the first campaign involved about 130 volunteers and 7 cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa (and the city of Rozdilna in Odesa Oblast), Cherkasy, Mykolaiv, Sumy, and Zaporizhzhia. Having conducted such a thorough study of the prob- lems of shelter accessibility, OZON, together with the Cen- tre for Strategic Communi- cations and, launched a national communi- cation campaign — a series of videos that answer the ques- Odesa, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, volunteers actively distrib- tions regarding the right Shostka, and Uzhhorod. uted in their cities, as well to use shelters: Can I enter In particular, about 150 shel- as the publication of a meth- the shelter of a building I do ters were checked in Kyiv, and odology for civic monitoring not live in? Can I let strangers all shelters intended for shel- of civil protection facilities. into the shelter? Who should tering local residents (exclud- This methodology was based I call if the shelter is closed? ing businesses and education- on OZON‘s experience and And many more. These videos al institutions) were checked the Requirements for the Or- have received the status of in Cherkasy, Shostka, and ganisation and Operation of social advertising and are Lutsk. The results of the cam- Civil Protection Facilities. broadcast on Intercity trains, paign will be shared with local Both documents are publicly on Suspilne and Espresso. authorities in the cities and available and can be used by In the summer, Kyiv suf- published along with recom- organisations or initiatives to fered a tragedy: three people mendations in early 2024. assess shelters independently. died near the closed door to The Shelter Monitoring During the year, OZON the shelter. After that, Presi- Campaign has become managed to engage new dential Decree No. 353/2023 a powerful tool for engaging people in the practice of put into effect the NSDC ordinary people in the prac- civic monitoring, which is decision to ensure round-the- tice of civic monitoring of extremely important for clock unimpeded access to the authorities, as well as democracy in times of war. shelters. To check whether identifying systemic prob- Volunteers join the moni- the situation with accessibility lems in the important area toring of shelters, courts, and basic quality of shelters of civilian protection. and police to help highlight has improved, the OZON Civic Among the important problems, improve the sit- Monitoring Group launched monitoring products is uation, and be the creators a second shelter monitoring the development of a step- of changes that help keep campaign, which has already by-step guide ‘How to Check the state within the frame- involved more than 150 people Your Shelter Yourself?’ which work of quality public service. in 8 cities: Kyiv, Lutsk, Lviv, 25

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