WWW.CCL.ORG.UA by the Russian military and On 28 April, a performance those involved in unlawful took place in the centre of detention (employees of Kyiv to draw attention to this pre-trial detention centres crucial topic, both for our and correctional facilities). society and the European On 28 February 2023, one. It focused on the re- the CCL launched an informa- turn of unlawfully detained tion and advocacy campaign civilians home — WITHOUT to help free civilian hostages, CONDITIONS or EXCHANGE. ‘Release Without Condi- The performance was based tions or Exchange’, which on evidence of abuse, torture, aimed to unite the efforts of and ill-treatment of civilian the international community Ukrainians released from to release civilian prisoners as captivity. On 24 June, as part of a result of Russian aggression the Release Without Condi- in Ukraine. The event fea- tions or Exchange campaign, tured a presentation of the art unlawfully detained Ukraini- the 11th International Book Ar- exhibition Free the Birds, ans: Valentyn Vyhivskyi, Iryna senal Festival hosted a discus- followed by a screening of Danylovych, Serhii Tsyhipa, sion titled ‘WOMEN‘S VOICES: the film Victoria‘s Voice, which Nariman Dzhelialov, Riza a confession story of released testified to the enforced Izetov, and Iryna Horobtsova. women prisoners of war about disappearances of civilians The project reveals the whole Russian captivity’. The event and detention conditions drama of the captives through was held as part of the Pris- during unlawful impris- the images of birds in cap- oner‘s Voice global initiative. onment. Later, the Free tivity, which may die without During Russia‘s full-scale the Birds art project was our deliberate support. invasion of Ukraine, over presented and exhibited in Kyiv at the Artistic Passage (38 Khreshchatyk Street). The protagonists of the art project were six civilians who are held in Russian captivity as political prisoners and 16

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