ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES Special attention was paid to documenting abroad. The CCL initiated an expert discussion on this topic involving organisation repre- sentatives from 3 countries that collect evidence from Ukrainian refugees. Later, 7 foreign volunteers were trained at the CCL ofÏce and then took part in monitoring visits to the scenes of ac- tion in Kyiv Oblast. In total, about 15 such visits took place during the year. At the same time, the total number of settlements in Kyiv Oblast, where documenters recorded with ofÏcials of states and in- of the war and restoring alleged war crimes, increased ternational institutions. Their justice for victims of Rus- by 40 places compared to last goal was to promote the estab- sian war crimes. These year. It amounts to 166 settle- lishment of a special Tribunal activities covered European ments. The number of cases on the Crime of Aggression, to countries, the United States, of enforced disappearances expand the capacity of the In- Canada, countries of Asia, and arbitrary detentions is ternational Criminal Court to Africa, and South America. also significant. As of the end prosecute war crimes com- Founded in 2014, the Pris- of the reporting period, more mitted by the Russian army, oner‘s Voice campaign con- than 4,131 such cases were to strengthen the national tinued and scaled up its work. recorded in the T4P initiative. judicial system by including The CCL has information on In 2023, the Center for Civil international experts, and 988 cases of enforced dis- Liberties carried out more other issues related to over- appearances and arbitrary than 50 advocacy trips to meet coming the consequences detentions. Over 100 consul- tations were held for relatives of civilian victims of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detentions during the Rus- sian aggression in Ukraine. When studying these cases, we managed to verify and find the places of detention of civilians who were later falsely accused and convicted in Russia and in the tempo- rarily occupied Crimea. In addition, we recorded cases of civilians released from unlawful detention who were subjected to abuse, torture, and ill-treatment 15

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