Annual Report 2023

This document provides insights and updates on the activities and achievements of the Center for Civil Liberties over the past year.


ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES 2023 ADDRESS: 9g Baseina Str., of. 28, Kyiv, Email: .com Kyiv ♆ 2023

CONTENTS Opening remarks 4 2. About the Center for Civil Liberties 7 3. Work within strategic areas and human rights initiatives 8 3.1. Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms 9 3.2. Overcoming the consequences of an international armed conflict 14 3.3. Getting the public involved in the human rights work 21 3.4. Human rights training and education 28 3.5. Strengthening international solidarity 32 3.6 Organisational development 35 4. Achievements 42 5. Our team 45 6. Financial Report 49

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA OPENING REMARKS ecently, I had a conver- of everything?” The moment the solution to tough prob- R sation with children at you answer to yourself, “Yes, lems until later. We must look school, and they asked I do have to take charge of for complex solutions now. me about leadership. I told everything”, that’s when you It is an illusion that war them: ‘Imagine you are walk- become a leader. Because unites. War unites only at ing down the street, and you leadership is defined by re- the very beginning, and then see rubbish scattered next to sponsibility, not by the num- there are fissures on various a bin. You would be happy to ber of followers on Facebook’. grounds that threaten to tear ignore it because you are all Public intellectuals say that the country apart as a social dressed up and, in a hurry, we live in the post-truth era. organism. Sociologists believe but you stop and start clean- Personally, I think we live that the main criterion for ing it up. And then someone in the post-knowledge era. dividing society is the dif- next to you, your friends or Having access to Google and ferent experiences of living some strangers, ask: “Why being able to get the formula through this war. And I am make your life harder? of aspirin in a second, people not talking about the divide Do you have to take charge forget that this does not make between military, civilians, them chemists. People around and refugees. Everything is the world demand quick and much more complicated. easy solutions. We might have People with opposing views been able to afford it in more do not communicate, they are peaceful times. You can treat trying to cry out. People are a runny nose with sit-ups; at hurt and very judgemental, Our task least there will be no harm to they think in black and white, your body. But if you are deal- they hit those they can reach, ing with cancer, the price of and they easily exclude is to stitch simple solutions will be high. people and entire groups Therefore, civil society solely on the basis of an emo- needs to set the trend for tional reaction to an event. complexity. And this is But we don‘t have the luxu- the country quite a challenge. Especially ry of treating each other like during the full-scale war of that during a genocidal war, extermination that Russia a war of extermination. Our together has waged. And we don‘t task is to stitch the country know whether we are in together. There are two types the middle, at the end, or just of social capital. The first is at the beginning of this war. called ‘bond’ and involves in- That is why we do not have teraction within a group. But the luxury of postponing you can‘t build a country that 4Our task is to stitch the country together

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 Oleksandra Matviichuk Head of the Organization Center or Civil Liberties way. Therefore, it is important to develop a type of social capital called ‘bridge’, which brings different groups of peo- ple together to achieve a goal. We need to be able to build bridges between groups with different experiences, dif- ferent visions, and different emotional responses. Because we all have the same goal: to build a country in which the rights of every person are protected, which has a successful economy, which is able to protect its citizens from external aggression. Victimhood is dangerous, especially for oneself. When we work with victims of war crimes, we don’t say that they have a war trauma, we say that they have a war experience. Yes, this experience is terrible, and I would very much like us all to avoid it. But it is what it is. We should not be locked in vic- timhood. We should move on. Dramatic times provide people with the opportunity to show their best quali- ties. We can never choose the country we are born in or the time we are born, but we can always make a choice and take responsibility. 5 Our task is to stitch the country together


ANNUAL REPORT 2023 2.  ABOUT THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES 2. ABOUT THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES he Center for Civil for compliance with human democracy, international soli- T Liberties (hereinafter rights standards, exercising darity programmes, and so on. referred to as the CCL) public oversight of the ac- Since the onset of the full- is a Ukrainian human rights tivities of law enforcement, scale Russian invasion on organization founded in 2007. courts, and local authorities, 24 February 2022, the CCL has The CCL deals with document- investigating crimes com- been documenting war crimes ing political persecutions, mitted during EuroMaidan, perpetrated by the Russian recording human rights viola- as well as conducting aware- army and actively advocating tions and war crimes, moni- ness-raising campaigns in the prosecution of war crimi- toring and analysing draft laws the field of human rights and nals at the international level. OUR MISSION: Establishing human rights, democracy, and solidarity in Ukraine and the OSCE region in order to promote human dignity. VISION: The CCL is a leading actor in Ukraine, influencing the public opinion and public policy, supporting the development of civic activism, and taking an active part in international networks and solidarity actions to promote human rights in the OSCE region. OUR VALUES: respect for human dignity, freedom and human rights, solidarity, rule of law, impartiality, democracy, non-discrimination. 7

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 3. WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES he main strategic work areas of COALITIONS AND INITIATIVES the Center for Civil Liberties are: COORDINATED BY THE CENTER T FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES 1. Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms. 2. Overcoming the consequences of the international armed conflict. 3. Getting the public involved in the human rights work. 4. Human rights training and education. 5. Strengthening international solidarity. 8

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 3.1. Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms Russia‘s full-scale invasion, now in its second year, re- mains one of the biggest chal- lenges for the development of the human rights movement and its consolidation, but reduced opportunities do not mean reduced necessity. Numerous war crimes com- mitted by the Russian aggres- sor have prompted Ukrainian civil society organisations to join the national resistance and defence, expanding their traditional functions. Together with the co-founders of evidence of war crimes, condition for the inevitable the global ‘Tribunal for Putin’ building on its experience of punishment of war criminals. initiative and over 20 regional documenting since 2014, and We organise regular organisations, the Center for focusing on further advo- events, such as roundtables Civil Liberties is collecting cacy, which is an important and human rights clubs, to 9

Annual Report 2023 - Page 9

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA consolidate human rights is the Human Rights Non-Con- organisations, and govern- organisations and initiatives, ference. This is a cross-sec- ment ofÏcials joined the dis- discuss pressing issues, and toral platform for discussing cussion in person and online. develop a common position. human rights issues and The opening panel was devot- Here, experts can discuss ways to address them. ed to discussing the human pressing issues and develop On 10 December 2023, on rights framework in the lives certain recommendations International Human Rights of Ukrainians in conditions that will be further used for Day, it was held for the eighth that test their resilience and joint advocacy at the national time. As the event was again humaneness on a daily basis. and international levels. held in the context of Rus- The war poses challenges to One of the large-scale sia‘s full-scale invasion of the ideology of human rights events of the Center for Civil Ukraine, this year‘s topic was as the basis of a democratic Liberties, which allows us to ‘Human Rights and War’. society in a variety of areas: unite various human rights Human rights activists, rep- political, legal, economic, organisations and initiatives, resentatives of international and so on. Therefore, the pan- ellists agreed that it is crucial for public figures to maintain this framework and promote human rights principles. Especially in these difÏcult circumstances, when the peo- ple are resisting the aggres- sor. The working panels discussed the problems of implementing the Rome Statute in Ukraine, improving international humanitarian law, national practice in war crimes cases, and so on. 10

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 2022, he was taken prisoner. The award was presented to the human rights activist‘s father, Oleksandr Butkevych As part of the Not-Confer- ence, a Volunteer Congress was held for members of the OZON Civic Monitoring Group, which was attended by more than 30 volunteers from Founded by the Human known for his twenty years different cities in Ukraine. Rights Agenda platform, of human rights work to The CCL continues to work the National Human Rights combat discrimination and on spreading knowledge about Award — 2023 was tradition- help refugees and displaced international humanitarian ally presented at the Not-Con- persons. After the outbreak law. On 17 July 2023, in honour ference. The award winner of full-scale war, Maksym of International Criminal was human rights activist joined the Armed Forces to Justice Day, the Center held Maksym Butkevych, who is defend Ukraine, and in June the Ukrainian International 11

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Criminal Justice Week. This year, it consisted of 3 panel discussions in Ukrainian and 5 academic lectures in En- glish. These events brought together prominent lawyers, researchers, experts, govern- ment ofÏcials, and represen- tatives of international and regional civil society organisa- tions, who reafÏrmed the im- portance of fighting impunity in Ukraine and around the world. We believe that justice for victims of war should not depend on Civil Liberties offers intern- humanitarian law, countering how and when ships at its ofÏce in Kyiv to disinformation, investigations the hostilities end. students and recent graduates of Russia‘s war crimes in The legal problem of law, political science, inter- Ukraine, and the establish- of the Russian national relations, journalism, ment of a Special Tribunal invasion is the ac- or other Humanities courses. for the crime of aggression. countability gap. The internship usually lasts The International 1 to 3 months. Interns are in- Criminal Court volved in the implementation does not have of our ongoing programmes jurisdiction over and events and provide Russia‘s invasion information assistance. This of Ukraine, a crime year, 10 young profession- of aggression. So, als, including those from who will guarantee justice the United States, France, for all the victims? Who will and Argentina, became our give a chance for justice to interns. The organisation‘s the hundreds of thousands database of active volunteers of victims who will not be has been expanded with lucky enough to be selected dozens of new names, profes- by the International Criminal sions, and personal stories. Court? We seek to increase The weekly Human Rights the capacity of state author- Digest is the CCL‘s infor- ities to effectively deliver mation product that covers justice in armed conflict by current and acute human ratifying the Rome Statute rights issues in Ukraine and working on the uni- and worldwide. The digest versal jurisdiction issue. is published in Ukrainian In order to prepare the hu- and English every Monday. man rights movement‘s talent Much attention is paid to pool in Ukraine, the Center for the topics of international 12

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES We also launched a new ed- ucational campaign this year. It is called ‘Human Rights: A Book and a Film’. Every weekend, our social media followers receive a recom- mendation: a film and a book featuring a human rights message. The materials are carefully selected by the Cen- ter‘s team from the most interesting works of world classics to introduce readers to the philosophical concepts and imaginative world of arrested, tortured, accused in the works, as well as to the po- trumped-up criminal cases, litical and social context of relatives of the injured and the 17th and 18th centuries. missing — Euromaidan SOS 2023 is in a way a jubilee became a one-stop shop for year for our organisation. all persecuted protesters in 10 years ago, we started different regions. Even after the EuromaidanSOS ten years, the community of volunteer initiative. A few Euromaidan SOS volunteers hours after the students on is still active. This is one of the Maidan were dispersed, the proofs that the volunteer we created a Facebook page movement is extremely and posted our first message. effective in human rights. It read as follows: ‘If you have The CCL continues to been beaten, lost contact be a platform for informal with your relatives, or have interaction between regional been arrested, let us know, organisations even during and we will provide you free the war, in particular, within legal assistance’. At that time, the framework of educational there were legal counsels activities of the Kyiv School among us, but not a single of Human Rights and Democ- lawyer. So, the second post racy. They are an excellent was a call to lawyers who platform for networking and were ready to help for free. sharing experiences while And it worked. We launched gaining new knowledge and hotlines to help the victims deepening understanding on the night of 30 Novem- of the concept of human ber 2013. Later, the number rights and related topics. of people in need of help increased, and we worked 24 hours a day for several months. We provided help and support to over 16,000 people. Beaten, illegally detained or 13

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 3.2. Overcoming the conse - quences of an interna - tional armed conflict In 2023, the CCL team con- tinued its activities within the framework of the global ‘Tribunal for Putin’ initiative. Together with the co-found- ers — the Ukrainian Helsinki Human Rights Union and the Kharkiv Human Rights Protection Group — we have developed a comprehensive and holistic approach to collecting information about international crimes commit- ted by Russians, their sub- sequent documentation and analysis, assisting law enforce- the events (victims, witnesses, war crimes. The exhibitions ment agencies in investigating attackers) are stored. Based were presented in a series these crimes, and providing on the analysis of the collect- of three events in media assistance to victims. ed materials, these crimes centres in Kyiv and Kharkiv. More than 20 civil society are tentatively classified as This year, the CCL contin- organisations have been war crimes, crimes against ued its awareness-raising involved in the documentation humanity, and genocide. activities on documentation. process, and over 60,000 epi- The summarised infor- Each monitoring visit was sodes of international crimes mation is submitted to accompanied by a group of committed by the Russian the Office of the Prosecutor journalists from the world‘s military have been record- of the International Criminal leading media. And together ed. The initiative‘s network Court in the form of an exhi- with the National Union of approach allows it to collect bition. The initiative partici- Journalists of Ukraine, we facts throughout Ukraine. pants have already submitted organised the War Crimes The data obtained is entered four exhibitions that classify Documentation School. into a special database. It is the actions of the Russians in The training was attended structured there, assigned Mariupol as genocide, unlaw- by 26 journalists, most of a tentative classification under ful deprivation of liberty, and them from the de-occu- the Rome Statute of the ICC, extrajudicial executions as pied territories and local and evidence (media files, crimes against humanity; and media near the frontline. text documents) and personal shelling of civilian facilities A total of 7 training events information of participants in and civilians as a range of were held this year. 14

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES Special attention was paid to documenting abroad. The CCL initiated an expert discussion on this topic involving organisation repre- sentatives from 3 countries that collect evidence from Ukrainian refugees. Later, 7 foreign volunteers were trained at the CCL ofÏce and then took part in monitoring visits to the scenes of ac- tion in Kyiv Oblast. In total, about 15 such visits took place during the year. At the same time, the total number of settlements in Kyiv Oblast, where documenters recorded with ofÏcials of states and in- of the war and restoring alleged war crimes, increased ternational institutions. Their justice for victims of Rus- by 40 places compared to last goal was to promote the estab- sian war crimes. These year. It amounts to 166 settle- lishment of a special Tribunal activities covered European ments. The number of cases on the Crime of Aggression, to countries, the United States, of enforced disappearances expand the capacity of the In- Canada, countries of Asia, and arbitrary detentions is ternational Criminal Court to Africa, and South America. also significant. As of the end prosecute war crimes com- Founded in 2014, the Pris- of the reporting period, more mitted by the Russian army, oner‘s Voice campaign con- than 4,131 such cases were to strengthen the national tinued and scaled up its work. recorded in the T4P initiative. judicial system by including The CCL has information on In 2023, the Center for Civil international experts, and 988 cases of enforced dis- Liberties carried out more other issues related to over- appearances and arbitrary than 50 advocacy trips to meet coming the consequences detentions. Over 100 consul- tations were held for relatives of civilian victims of enforced disappearances and arbitrary detentions during the Rus- sian aggression in Ukraine. When studying these cases, we managed to verify and find the places of detention of civilians who were later falsely accused and convicted in Russia and in the tempo- rarily occupied Crimea. In addition, we recorded cases of civilians released from unlawful detention who were subjected to abuse, torture, and ill-treatment 15

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA by the Russian military and On 28 April, a performance those involved in unlawful took place in the centre of detention (employees of Kyiv to draw attention to this pre-trial detention centres crucial topic, both for our and correctional facilities). society and the European On 28 February 2023, one. It focused on the re- the CCL launched an informa- turn of unlawfully detained tion and advocacy campaign civilians home — WITHOUT to help free civilian hostages, CONDITIONS or EXCHANGE. ‘Release Without Condi- The performance was based tions or Exchange’, which on evidence of abuse, torture, aimed to unite the efforts of and ill-treatment of civilian the international community Ukrainians released from to release civilian prisoners as captivity. On 24 June, as part of a result of Russian aggression the Release Without Condi- in Ukraine. The event fea- tions or Exchange campaign, tured a presentation of the art unlawfully detained Ukraini- the 11th International Book Ar- exhibition Free the Birds, ans: Valentyn Vyhivskyi, Iryna senal Festival hosted a discus- followed by a screening of Danylovych, Serhii Tsyhipa, sion titled ‘WOMEN‘S VOICES: the film Victoria‘s Voice, which Nariman Dzhelialov, Riza a confession story of released testified to the enforced Izetov, and Iryna Horobtsova. women prisoners of war about disappearances of civilians The project reveals the whole Russian captivity’. The event and detention conditions drama of the captives through was held as part of the Pris- during unlawful impris- the images of birds in cap- oner‘s Voice global initiative. onment. Later, the Free tivity, which may die without During Russia‘s full-scale the Birds art project was our deliberate support. invasion of Ukraine, over presented and exhibited in Kyiv at the Artistic Passage (38 Khreshchatyk Street). The protagonists of the art project were six civilians who are held in Russian captivity as political prisoners and 16

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 45 civic initiatives and organi- In April and October 2023, ‘Filtration and forced relo- sations focused on protecting the CCL team and partner cation: examining Russia‘s the rights of prisoners of organisations held a number violations of international law’ war and civilian victims of of side events at the Human and ‘Torture of civilian pris- enforced disappearances Dimension Conferences in oners of war and prisoners and arbitrary detention were Vienna and Warsaw. During of war after Russia‘s invasion formed amid the growing the side events, the follow- of Ukraine’. The events were problem of illegally impris- ing topics were presented: based on numerous viola- oned civilians and victims of ‘Forced displacement and tions of international laws by arbitrary detention. The CCL deportation of Ukrainian the Russian Federation, which took an active part in their civilians, including children, cover three legal dimensions: training and interaction. by the Russian Federation’, international human rights law, international criminal law, and international human- itarian law. These violations were reported by those who have been unlawfully impris- oned, tortured, and ill-treated in places of detention in the Russian Federation and 17

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA in the temporarily occu- pied territories of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts. The Center for Civil Lib- erties held a joint side event Victim-Centred Justice: Ukraine‘s Experience in New York as part of the meeting of the Assembly of States of the International Criminal Court. The meeting focused on the detention of civilians in Russia and the occupied territories, improper deten- tion conditions, filtration, and torture. They also discussed the need for an international investigation and the need to develop legal mechanisms to return civilians to Ukraine from the Russian Federation. 18

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES The Center for Civil Lib- erties was one of the NGOs that initiated the creation of a mechanism of mixed medical commissions, as prescribed by the Gene- va Convention relative to the Treatment of Prisoners of War and informed the state executive authorities of its readiness to work. On 30 August, International Day of Enforced Disappear- ances, the Center held an ac- tion in support of civilian prisoners named ‘VOICES’ on Mykhailivska Square. The Center for Civil Liberties During the first quarter, Law, it is prohibited to hu- is aware of more than 150 pen- the CCL organised and miliate, torture, and abuse itentiary institutions in Russia conducted a three-module prisoners of war! The cam- and the temporarily occupied training on International paign was widely publicised, territories of Ukraine where Humanitarian Law and its we held meetings with inter- civilians are being held with- implementation at the na- national organisations and out any grounds for detention tional level for the staff of the international community and abducted during the oc- the Coordination Head- and sent an appeal to the UN cupation from their homes, quarters for the Treatment Human Rights Committee. on their way to the store, or of Prisoners of War. We held more than 15 meet- from their workplace. They Over the year, three human ings with representatives of are tortured, starved, subject- rights clubs were held with international organisations, ed to psychological pressure, experts and civil society with whom we discussed organisations to protect and cooperated on the pro- the rights and freedoms of tection of all victims of civilians unlawfully detained enforced disappearances as a result of Russian aggres- and arbitrary detention. sion, to respect the rights We provided them with of prisoners of war, and to information about the abuse, advocate for their release. torture, and ill-treatment of On 27 July 2023, the Center civilians and prisoners of war for Civil Liberties, togeth- by the Russian Federation. er with the NGO Military As part of the campaign Medics of Ukraine, launched for the release of prisoners, a large-scale information more than 500 letters from and advocacy campaign to relatives of prisoners of ensure the rights of captured war and illegally detained medics as a result of the Rus- civilians from Crimea and sian-Ukrainian war. According other regions of Ukraine to International Humanitarian were delivered to the Pope. 19

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA and placed in an information vacuum; and innocent people are subjected to moral and physical abuse. For the Rus- sian Federation, the practice of enforced disappear- ances has become one of the most common methods of intimidating citizens in the occupied territories. During the year, the CCL, together with human rights organisations in Ukraine, published 11 statements on new waves and deten- tions of Crimean Tatars in the temporarily occupied Crimea, Russia‘s disregard for international humanitarian rights, arbitrariness, and for Civil Liberties‘ profes- crimes against humanity. sionals and the status of The December report of the Nobel Peace Prize winner the UN High Commissioner allows us to meet directly with for Human Rights focused decision-makers, to convey on the system of violations information about the horrific by the Russian Federation of human rights violations and the detention conditions of international crimes com- prisoners of war, including mitted by the Russian army, medical personnel, violations facilitating accountability of the Geneva Conventions, for war crimes and helping and the illegal detention recover justice for the victims of civilians in places of im- of Russian military aggression. prisonment in Russia and the temporarily occupied territories, and the use of torture and ill-treatment against all categories of de- expand the capacity of the In- tainees. The report was based ternational Criminal Court to on materials provided by prosecute war crimes com- the Center for Civil Liberties. mitted by the Russian army In 2023, the Center for Civil and to strengthen the national Liberties undertook more judicial system by including than 50 advocacy visits to international experts. These meet with ofÏcials of states activities covered European and international institutions countries, the United States, to promote the establish- Canada, countries of Asia, ment of a special Tribunal on Africa, and South America. the Crime of Aggression, to The expertise of the Center 20

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 3.3. Getting the public involved in the human rights work In 2023, the OZON Civic prevent the curtailment Monitoring Group of democracy’, which was 16 continued to work on ex- joined by leading Ukrainian panding opportunities for organisations engaged in civic cases of monitoring of ordinary people to engage monitoring of the authorities. peaceful assemblies, in civic monitoring, and During the event, we pub- also qualitatively deepened licly discussed the situation the practices started in 2022. with civic monitoring as 3 In particular, OZON of the beginning of 2023 in focused on three moni- various areas (judiciary, cases of court monitoring toring mechanisms: anti-corruption, peaceful • monitoring of police assembly, reforms, and more). 50+ In 2023, we finalised actions at peace- the results of the first shelter visits of monitoring ful assemblies, monitoring campaign through groups to shelters • monitoring of a public dialogue with the au- thorities and by publishing re- court hearings, ports and recommendations. 6 • monitoring the arrange- One of the results was a large lectures on communication campaign in ment of civil protection fa- cooperation with the Centre Civic Monitoring cilities by local authorities. for Strategic Communications and a series of 13 One of the most important videos that answer questions and consolidating events about the right to use shelters. pieces of training on was the roundtable dis- In response to the trag- shelter monitoring cussion ‘Civic monitoring ic events (deaths in Kyiv during the war: how to near the closed entrance 21

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA to the shelter) and new Education has also become and initiatives on organising regulatory documents an important area of our peaceful assemblies under issued by the authorities activity: lectures on civic martial law. In 2023, the OZON (namely, Presidential Decree monitoring and state-build- Civic Monitoring Group also No. 353/2023), OZON launched ing from the perspective of started a good tradition — the Second Shelter Moni- civil society, training sessions the annual Volunteer Congress toring Campaign to track on monitoring shelters, to summarise its activities improvements or no changes monitoring police actions, and plan for the next year. in the protection of citizens. as well as training for NGOs MONITORING OF POLICE ACTIONS AT PEACEFUL ASSEMBLIES In 2023, the OZON Civic Monitoring Group moni- tored peaceful assemblies 16 times. Following two days of monitoring of the assem- bly and counter-assembly near the Kyiv Pechersk Lavra on 31 March and 1 April, OZON prepared a comprehensive report describing the events and providing the assessment of the on-site work of law enforcement agen- cies and actions during conflict situations. OZON also monitored 11 peaceful assemblies held near the Kyiv City State Administration regarding the use of the city‘s budget for military needs. We pub- lished reports on the results of individual actions on social media and posted a compre- hensive report on the entire marathon of meetings on our website. In particular, during the monitoring, the volun- teers noted a positive prac- tice on the part of the Dia- logue Police and the Special Purpose Police — carrying 22

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES personal first aid kits. The Civic Monitoring Group is in constant communi- cation with the National Police regarding the record- ed violations of the rules of wearing uniforms and personal identification and the involvement of municipal guards in the protection of peaceful assemblies. Thus, at the end of the year, OZON vol- unteers met with employees of the Preventive Communi- cation Department (dialogue • training on monitoring police) to discuss common improve their awareness problems and challenges the actions of law en- of the legal framework and establish better com- forcement agencies at and debunk the myth munication. The NPU also peaceful assemblies — that peaceful assemblies received a comprehensive for new volunteers; are prohibited during monitoring report and rec- • training on organising war. This training was ommendations for improving useful, in particular, police work in the field. peaceful assemblies for newly established OZON also conducted two under martial law — for organisations dealing training sessions related to civil society organisations with the issue of military freedom of peaceful assembly: and initiative groups to and civilian prisoners. MONITORING OF COURT HEARINGS In 2023, it will be ten years the Revolution of Dignity and Based on the results of since the start of the Maidan how the public can help. the monitoring, volunteers cases, which have faced In 2023, OZON volunteers prepared reports that OZON enormous challenges over monitored 3 court hearings: published on its social media. this time. In February, the ini- • the case of Korban tiative organised the human rights club ‘Maidan Cases’ to v. Roman Ratushnyi discuss these issues and find and the NGO ‘Protect a common ground, which Protasiv Yar’ in the Kyiv was joined by specialised Court of Appeal; organisations and initiative • the case of the closed groups, as well as relatives of the victims. This discussion shelter in the Kyiv Court was important and raised of Appeal (twice). the issue of seeking justice for those killed during 23

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE This year, the volunteers of to one of the fundamental For our volunteers, it was the OZON Civic Monitoring freedoms and finding solu- a good opportunity to learn Group took part in the Semi- tions in the large international about the experience of nar on Freedom of Expression community. The events were freedom of peaceful assembly for Young Experts in Utoya attended by participants in other countries and share and the World Forum on Free- from all over the world: from our practices of monitoring dom of Expression in Norway. Argentina to the Philippines, law enforcement actions. These events were aimed at from Ukraine to Iran, from highlighting the challenges Myanmar to Yemen. NATIONAL MONITORING OF CIVIL PROTECTION FACILITIES (SHELTERS) On 23 November, OZON Develop recommendations for conference with the Director announced the start of law enforcement authorities of the Department of Mu- the National Shelter Mon- on how to act if the shelter is nicipal Security of the Kyiv itoring Campaign, which unavailable for passers-by / City State Administration, lasted until March 2023. closed / unapproachable. the Head of the Department The goal of the campaign In the spring of 2023, for Organisation of Civil was to learn the overall condi- the OZON Civic Monitoring Protection Measures of tion of shelters, existing prob- Group publicly summed up the SES in Kyiv, and the Hous- lems, and areas for improve- the results of the campaign ing Cooperative Association ment through monitoring. by holding a joint press in Kyiv. During the event, the results of the campaign and the challenges of pro- viding quality protection facilities for the population were made public. OZON developed recommendations 24

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES at the local and national level, the implementation of which will significantly improve the accessibility and basic quality of shelters. In total, the first campaign involved about 130 volunteers and 7 cities: Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa (and the city of Rozdilna in Odesa Oblast), Cherkasy, Mykolaiv, Sumy, and Zaporizhzhia. Having conducted such a thorough study of the prob- lems of shelter accessibility, OZON, together with the Cen- tre for Strategic Communi- cations and, launched a national communi- cation campaign — a series of videos that answer the ques- Odesa, Mykolaiv, Cherkasy, volunteers actively distrib- tions regarding the right Shostka, and Uzhhorod. uted in their cities, as well to use shelters: Can I enter In particular, about 150 shel- as the publication of a meth- the shelter of a building I do ters were checked in Kyiv, and odology for civic monitoring not live in? Can I let strangers all shelters intended for shel- of civil protection facilities. into the shelter? Who should tering local residents (exclud- This methodology was based I call if the shelter is closed? ing businesses and education- on OZON‘s experience and And many more. These videos al institutions) were checked the Requirements for the Or- have received the status of in Cherkasy, Shostka, and ganisation and Operation of social advertising and are Lutsk. The results of the cam- Civil Protection Facilities. broadcast on Intercity trains, paign will be shared with local Both documents are publicly on Suspilne and Espresso. authorities in the cities and available and can be used by In the summer, Kyiv suf- published along with recom- organisations or initiatives to fered a tragedy: three people mendations in early 2024. assess shelters independently. died near the closed door to The Shelter Monitoring During the year, OZON the shelter. After that, Presi- Campaign has become managed to engage new dential Decree No. 353/2023 a powerful tool for engaging people in the practice of put into effect the NSDC ordinary people in the prac- civic monitoring, which is decision to ensure round-the- tice of civic monitoring of extremely important for clock unimpeded access to the authorities, as well as democracy in times of war. shelters. To check whether identifying systemic prob- Volunteers join the moni- the situation with accessibility lems in the important area toring of shelters, courts, and basic quality of shelters of civilian protection. and police to help highlight has improved, the OZON Civic Among the important problems, improve the sit- Monitoring Group launched monitoring products is uation, and be the creators a second shelter monitoring the development of a step- of changes that help keep campaign, which has already by-step guide ‘How to Check the state within the frame- involved more than 150 people Your Shelter Yourself?’ which work of quality public service. in 8 cities: Kyiv, Lutsk, Lviv, 25

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA VOLUNTEER PRIZE 2023 This year, the Center for Civil Liberties held the tenth-an- niversary ceremony in honour of ‘ordinary people doing extraordinary things’ as part of the Euromaidan SOS initiative, once called the Volunteer Prize. The All-Ukrainian Vol- unteer Prize initiative is a national non-governmental award for a particular con- tribution to the volunteer movement in Ukraine in honour of ‘ordinary people who do extraordinary things’. home front: a few united into abandoned the procedure of The Prize was founded in thousands, and the volunteer nominating volunteers, be- November 2014 by the Eu- movement exploded with cause the contribution of one roMaidan SOS initiative and powerful initiatives, while person and a large charitable guided by the Center for Civil almost all clusters of social foundation alike is important Liberties when a large-scale life manifested unity, mutual in wartime and necessary for volunteer movement be- support, and assistance. our Victory. Instead of awards, came a decisive response to Volunteering has become part ratings, long and short lists, new challenges. In February of the new Ukrainian culture. we have created a website 2022, the whole of Ukraine This year‘s award was spe- where people can leave words became a reliable volunteer cial. For the first time, we have of gratitude to each and 26

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES every person who volunteers for the benefit of Ukraine. On 5 December, Inter- national Volunteer Day, we gathered more than 200 volunteers and leaders of volunteer communities to say thank you to them. The Volunteer Prize Development Forum on 5 De- 2023 was jointly organised cember 2023 with support from by the Center for Civil Liber- ISAR Ednannia. Our partners, ties, the Ukrainian Volunteer Media Center Ukraine, provid- Service, and the Ukrainian ed information support and Women‘s Battalion. The award created a documentary film ceremony took place as about the history of the Volun- part of the 12th Civil Society teer Prize From Tens to Millions. 27

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 3.4. Human rights training and education Russia‘s full-scale invasion and security challenges for several consecutive years of Ukraine has significantly speakers and participants. now. In 2023, we held more changed the interaction However, these challenges than 80 educational events, formats of the Kyiv School only made us better and both online and ofÒine, and of Human Rights and De- improved our educational started to practice a mixed mocracy (KSHRD) and our products and procedures. format to facilitate the par- audience. Every month, KSHRD is an educational ticipation of people from all our students have to platform of the Center for different regions and coun- overcome the challenges of Civil Liberties, which has tries. However, martial law in war together with us: inter- been conducting a series Ukraine facilitated the change ruptions in training during of useful and practical of vector of selected topics air raids, transition to online free educational events in for our events, as we also held or mixed form of our events, various parts of Ukraine a series of training sessions prolonged power outages, and the Eurasia region for on documenting war crimes. 28

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES Also, for the first time this year, we launched the- matic courses. In 2023, we held 3 different ones: I. VIACHESLAV LIKHACHOV‘S AUTHOR‘S LECTURE COURSE ‘ENEMIES OF OPEN SOCIETY’, WHICH STARTED ON 18 MAY AND INCLUDED 8 ONLINE LECTURES EVERY THURSDAY, COVERING THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: • NATIONALISM. En- communities in the post-Soviet • FASCISM. What does emy, companion, or space, and interfaith relations. this term actually mean, ally of democracy? and can the current • LEFT-WINGERS. What ІІ. MYKHAILO SAVVA‘S Russian regime be considered fascist? went wrong? Why does AUTHOR‘S COURSE the movement for equality ‘MODERN RUSSIAN • FUNDAMENTALISM. How and justice increasingly POLITICAL REGIME’, radical religious and polit- find itself on the same WHICH STARTED ON ical movements are trying side of the socio-political 27 JUNE AND INCLUDED to fight for influence in barricades as the most 7 LECTURES HELD the post-secular world. obscurantist conser- ONLINE EVERY TUESDAY vative movements? AT 6 P.M. AND COVERED • POPULISM. Right and left: THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: why it is gaining popular- ity in the last decade and Viacheslav Likhachov, • The political regime what threats it poses. the author of the course, • CONSPIRACY THE- is a member of the Expert of modern Russia: au- Council of the Center for Civil thoritarianism, fascism, ORIES. How belief in Liberties and the author of neo-totalitarianism. behind-the-scenes power over sixty scientific papers • The real system of Rus- undermines democracy. and books. He studies • ORIENTALISM. Post- ethnopolitical conflictology, sian power: can it be xenophobia in the post-Soviet called usurpation? colonial criticism space, the ideology and • Russian state ideology: and its challenges. activities of right-wing radical • ANTI-GENDER. Why movements in Russia and the ideological basis Ukraine, political extremism, of mass war crimes. has the idea of gender the theory of nation and • Ukraine in the ofÏcial equality become a trig- nationalism, the history of ger for the conserva- anti-Semitism, the history Russian state ideology: tive part of society? of the revival of Jewish why are they afraid? 29

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA • The system of ofÏcial Russian propaganda: how effective is it and why? • Formats of human rights violations by the Russian authorities in Russia and abroad: how can we fight it? • Centrifugal tendencies of Russian regions: what is the potential of separatism in Russia? The author of the course is III. VIACHESLAV We held 4 introductory Mykhailo Savva, Doctor of LIKHACHOV‘S COURSE level 1 human rights courses Political Science, Professor, ‘NATIONAL MINORITY in Kyiv and online. The audi- member of the Expert RIGHTS: INTERNATIONAL ence of such events is very Council of the Center for STANDARDS AND diverse, but all attendees Civil Liberties, Professor at UKRAINIAN CONTEXT’, are united by a common the Free University (Latvia). WHICH STARTED goal to protect the rights In the past, he combined ON 14 SEPTEMBER, of everyone in this coun- teaching at the university with IS RELEVANT AND try. We worked with young practical work — monitoring IMPORTANT IN TODAY‘S people, university students, human rights and managing CIRCUMSTANCES. EVERY public figures and experts, programmes to support civil THURSDAY, THERE non-governmental organi- society in Russia. The FSB WERE 4 DIFFERENT sations, civil servants, and awarded him with criminal LECTURES ON anyone who wanted to learn cases for his successes THE FOLLOWING TOPICS: more about human rights and achievements, forcing or become a human rights him to move to Kyiv. He has activist. During these events, mastered the Ukrainian • Why are national mi- we also strived to convey language and now, with his norities important? the following information: experience in Russia, he can easily break down Russia‘s • National minorities, • What are human rights, current political regime. ethnic communities, and and how to protect them? indigenous peoples: un- • How to use your rights derstanding the concepts • Ukrainian realities in real life, not just know that they are on and Ukraine‘s inter- paper somewhere? national obligations • What violations of rights • What’s next? Options for actually happen almost addressing the challeng- every day? And how es facing our country to respond to them? 30

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES In the summer, we also held HUMAN RIGHTS GUIDE organisations, and academia. the 2nd level of the Human Developed for a Ukrainian Rights Course based on In 2023, the CCL, in partner- audience, the manual takes international human rights ship with the Latvian organ- into account the specifics of standards, which was called isation Baltic Human Rights national legislation and cor- ‘Human Rights and Solving Society and with the support relates it with European law, Social Problems: Challenges, of the Ministry of Foreign which is especially important Strategies, and Guidelines Affairs of Latvia, launched in light of Ukraine‘s progress for Action’. The trainers of the first online Ukrainian-En- towards EU membership. this stage were Oleksandra glish Human Rights Guide in The guide was launched by Matviichuk, Oleksandra Ukraine. This educational tool the Baltic Human Rights Romantsova, Mykhailo provides information about Society, a Riga-based NGO, and Savva, Volodymyr Yavorskyi, human rights on specific top- has already been launched in Viacheslav Likhachov, ics, legislation, examples and Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Bul- and Kostiantyn Zadoia. useful resources, and informa- garia, Slovenia, Slovakia; and In November, the Human tion on where to go for help. this year, it will be launched Rights School brought to- The guide will be extremely in France, Croatia, Moldova, gether people from different helpful for law students and Georgia, and Ukraine. regions of Ukraine around this young lawyers who are learn- topic. The School‘s goal was ing the profession of human to train the next generation rights and human rights activ- of human rights defenders. ists; and it will be of interest to Despite the circumstances, representatives of the public this year we continued Soli- sector, non-governmental darity Talks — an international discussion of important topics for the Eurasia Region. All our participants (human rights activists and human rights organisations of the Eurasia Region) know that we start our international discus- sion at 2 p.m. on the third Wednesday of each month. It is a unifying and supportive coalition component that helps us to lend a hand in difÏcult times when one of our fellow human rights activ- ists needs it. Therefore, we continue this activity in 2024. 31

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 3.5. Strengthening international solidarity Since the first days of The CCL takes an ac- in Skopje, on the eve of the Russian invasion, the CCL tive part in international the OSCE Ministerial Council. has been systematically networks and solidarity The event was aimed at working to expand its partic- events to protect human liaising and building partner- ipation in international hu- rights in the OSCE region. ships between civil society man rights mechanisms: UN For the second year in organisations, representa- conventional mechanisms, a row, the Center has been tives of state institutions and the ones of OSCE, the Council acting as the Secretariat international organisations, of Europe, and other inter- of the Civic Solidarity and at presenting a Declara- governmental institutions, Platform. Together with its tion entitled ‘The OSCE and and to engage Ukrainian colleagues, the Center organ- its participating States should organisations to put Ukraine ised the OSCE Civil Society overcome the organisation’s on the global agenda. Side Event on 29 November paralysis, stop continued 32

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES aggression, ensure justice, respond to expanding con- flicts and growing repression, and reflect on the future of the Helsinki process’. The Center was also an observer at the annual meeting of the OSCE Ministe- rial Council on 30 November, where we met with a number of ministers and heads of delegations of OSCE partic- Human Rights Confer- ipating States. In particular, ence and the Committee we discussed plans to develop civil society during the tur- of Ministers meeting. proposals for OSCE reforms bulent events of this year. It is important to mention in preparation for the 50th Russia‘s actions have the Center‘s participation in anniversary of the adoption of targeted civilians and un- reforming the Council of Eu- the Helsinki Final Act in 2025. dermined international law. rope system within the CURE As the Secretariat, the CCL Russia‘s full-scale invasion of network. Both organisations, works to support the plat- Ukraine demonstrates that the OSCE and the Council of form‘s internal and external impunity in Ukraine gives Europe, were criticised after communication, horizontal a green light and emboldens Russia‘s full-scale invasion and cooperation between member the worst destructive forces failure to help. Together with organisations, and sharing of in other parts of the world. its partners, the CCL works to experience between differ- The Secretariat‘s work address the investment con- ent generations of human is important for repelling cerns of these organisations rights defenders in the OSCE the aggression by consoli- caused by Russia‘s invasion in region. It promotes the ef- dating more than 100 human order to develop and promote fective implementation of rights organisations and new regional security systems. the human rights agenda CSP members on the OSCE Together with the American and represents the voice of platform during the Parallel Bar Association Centre for 33

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Human Rights, the CCL pre- both in Ukraine and abroad. Oleksandra Matviichuk pared a report titled ‘Russia‘s The analysis focuses on three joined the campaign for War in Ukraine: Filtering and categories of filtering-related the release of Narges Mo- Forced Relocation of Civilians violations: arbitrary detention hammadi, the 2023 Nobel Constitute Gross Violations and deprivation of liberty, Peace Prize winner, for her of International Law’. inhuman treatment and fight against the oppression The report provides torture, and forced displace- of women in Iran. At a time an overview and analysis of ment and deportation. These when authoritarian regimes the evidence gathered on actions are in direct violation are cooperating, people the practice of filtering based of multiple international laws fighting for freedom must on field research conducted that span three legal frame- support each other. works: international human rights law, international criminal law, and interna- tional humanitarian law. As the first Ukrainian organisation to win the Nobel Peace Prize, the Center has the opportunity to speak at the Nobel movement‘s venues, such as the Nobel Peace Center in Oslo. 34

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 3.6 Organisational development In 2023, the Center for Civil Ukrainian legislation, which This year, the Center for Liberties developed an updat- was also taken into account. Civil Liberties communica- ed 2024–2026 Strategy, which Particular attention is paid to tions team worked extremely is the organisation‘s response organisational development effectively, and the structure to the challenges of Russia‘s and strengthening the organ- of the team itself has changed. ongoing military aggression isation‘s capacity to respond Currently, the organisation‘s and the general weakening to challenges and adapt its communications department of European and interna- work to constant change. consists of a coordinator, tional security mechanisms. A psychological support a press secretary, an SMM At the same time, Ukraine system is in place for the or- manager, and a writer. A clear has gained new opportunities ganisation‘s team, voluntary division of areas of respon- for European integration, medical insurance has been sibility allows for excellent which require increased introduced, and a number of performance of a particular attention from human rights trainings have been held to job, as each team member is defenders in the adaptation of improve skills and teamwork. a professional in her field. 3.6.1. COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA The Communications De- partment actively cooperated with various national and international media, providing them with information and expert opinions on human rights, war crimes, prisoners of war and civilian prison- ers, civic monitoring, and education and awareness. This year, the Center for Civil team used a variety of According to the Se- Liberties has been engaged channels, including its mantic Force monitoring in various communication website and social media, system, the Center for Civil activities aimed at spreading as well as press releases, Liberties was mentioned in information about the impor- engaging media partners Ukrainian and English tance of human rights pro- to cover public events and more than 13 thousand tection. The communications creating publications. times in various media and 35

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Information and analytical Ukrainians forcibly detained materials about the Center by Russia and a rally outside for Civil Liberties were the Ministry of Foreign also published in many Affairs of Ukraine, which global media. Throughout was broadcast live by one the year, we continued to of Ukraine‘s most famous 13 000+ inform the international streamers, Bohdan Kutiepov. community about the war We also presented the Na- mentions of the Center for crimes committed by tional Human Rights Award, Civil Liberties in Ukrainian the Russian army, the need the Volunteer Prize, and and English in various media to establish a tribunal for the Human Rights Guide. and online platforms. Putin, Lukashenko, and other war criminals, and to ensure justice for all BLOGS victims of the war. Among the world‘s media, our work The head of the Kyiv School online platforms during has been covered by Time, of Human Rights, Alona the year. Also, according Associated Press, El País, Bulba, started a blog on to this monitoring system, The New Yorker, The New Oleksandra Matviichuk York Times, The Indepen- was mentioned in almost dent, Al Jazeera, The Guard- 9 thousand publications. ian, and hundreds of others. Over the year, the Cen- The Center for Civil ter for Civil Liberties Liberties also held a number team members made of press conferences and thousands of comments briefings for the media, in- and gave hundreds of cluding on the International interviews to national and Criminal Court‘s arrest international media. warrant for Putin and Lvivo- In particular, the leading va-Belova, the need for civic national media interviewed monitoring in various areas Oleksandra Matviichuk, during the war, war crimes the Head of the organisation, against media and Oleksandra Romantso- professionals, va, the Executive Director and the state of the organisation, and of shelters published numerous mate- in Ukraine. rials about civilians held in The media Russian captivity, including broadly cov- women and medical work- ered the or- ers. The media also reported ganisation‘s and filmed the work of our public events, initiative, which monitors including shelters, and all the cities the presen- where the monitoring began tation of in 2023 published news an exhibition stories about the OZON. dedicated to civilian 36

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES human rights education PARTNERSHIPS with which we released and awareness on the Sho- instructions for relatives Tam youth resource, and This year, thanks to the efforts of prisoners of war, civilian the head of the OZON of the communications hostages, and missing persons Civic Monitoring Group, team of the Center for Civil and a series of videos about Ivanna Malchevska, became Liberties, we have acquired shelters, which together have a regular contributor to many valuable media partners received more than 1 million the national news agency in our work for both national views on YouTube alone. Ukrinform, where she talks and foreign audiences. about the importance of In particular, in partner- civic monitoring. The leading ship with the Media Center SOCIAL MEDIA online media outlet Ukrains- Ukraine, we released a doc- ka Pravda continued to umentary about the history The Communications Depart- publish a column by Olek- of the Volunteer Prize titled ment successfully developed sandra Matviichuk, Head of From Tens to Millions, and 1+1 the presence of the Center the Center for Civil Liberties. and ICTV TV channels became for Civil Liberties in social media partners of the event, media. The Facebook page broadcasting it on their digital reached 472 thousand followers platforms, which brought over the year, which is 18.7% the total number of viewers higher than in the previous to over 10,000. Another TV year. The Instagram page channel with which we have reached over 706 thousand established ongoing coopera- users over the year. tion is Suspilne. The national The communications team broadcaster and its regional also developed the pages of branches aired a video de- the Center for Civil Liberties‘ manding the release of all projects on social media. For civilian prisoners without example, the Facebook page conditions or exchange and of the Kyiv School of Human a series of videos answering Rights reached 52 thousand the most common questions users (+289.2%), Prisoners about shelters. Espresso, Voice 163 thousand (+43.3%), Hromadske, and Hromadske the public monitoring group Radio were OZON 15 thousand, and Eu- also media romaidan SOS 289 thousand. partners in Over the year, the Kyiv School our various of Human Rights‘ Instagram events. page coverage reached almost Another 25,000, Prisoners Voice‘s page partner of 97,000, and the OZON Civic ours was Monitoring Group 66,000. the Dovidka. In addition, the Center for info portal Civil Liberties has a YouTube made by channel and X (Twitter). the Center During the year of work, for Strategic the communications team Commu- used different types of con- nications, tent to promote the work 37

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA of the organisation and co- PRODUCING CONTENT Mikeladze designed a stick- operated with other pages; AND ENGAGING er pack for the Volunteer for example, jointly with VOLUNTEERS Prize. The communications the Ukrainian-language team also created a series of resource Svidomi, we pub- A separate product created thank-you videos for the vol- lished a post about shelters, by the communications team unteers for this event. and the English-language is the documentary Victoria‘s resource was Voice: Diary of an Abducted involved in promoting the is- Teacher, which tells the story HUMAN RIGHTS DIGEST sue of women in captivity, of a female maths teacher where only one post collected from Chernihiv region who This year, the communica- over 20 thousand reactions. was held in Russian captivity tions department produced for nine months. We present- a human rights digest, which ed the film to different audi- is published in two languages: WEBSITE ences, including the Ukrainian English and Ukrainian. Every TV premiere on the Espresso week, national and foreign During the year of work, channel, and 14,000 people media, as well as various we have radically changed watched the film on the You- institutions and partners, the work of the Center for Tube channel of the Center received the digest, where Civil Liberties website. Today, for Civil Liberties. The film has we talked about the biggest it is an information resource 216,000 views on the YouTube news in the field of human where news about everything channel of Ukrainian journal- rights in Ukraine and shared the organisation does appears ist Volodymyr Zolkin, who is expert opinions electronically promptly. We also published known for his interviews with through the Send Puls sys- a number of analytical arti- Russian prisoners and whose tem. According to the system, cles, statements, and reviews. product is aimed at the Rus- the open rate of the digest is According to Google Analytics, sian audience. The English on average 25%, which is good. the website reached 78,000 version of Victoria‘s Voice was This year, well-coordi- unique users over the year, also presented at the World nated teamwork, active and the articles were read Peace Forum in Barcelona. cooperation with the media, more than 508,000 times. This year, the communica- successful development of tions team actively engaged the social media presence, volunteers in its work, in- and creativity in dissem- cluding creative tasks. Thus, inating information laid illustrator Valeriia Dakhovych solid foundations for further drew the cover for a brochure development and increasing with 50 stories of civilian the impact of the Center for prisoners, and artist Nato Civil Liberties on society. 78 000+ Про нас › Діяльність › Матеріали › Підтримати | Donate Волонтерити | Volunteer with CCL Укр › unique ones users of the CCL website 38 Нобелівська премія миру Олександра Матвійчук – голова організації лауреати Нобелівської премії у 2022 році та низки інших учасниця рейтингів найвпливовіших жінок світу та престижних нагород. Детальніше. лауреатка міжнародних премій. Детальніше. 1 2 3 Більше Новини 12.01.2024 12.01.2024 08.01.2024 «Нам важливо знати німецьку зовнішню політику Від Стуса до Сенцова. Історії українських «Права людини – це в першу чергу ідеї», – в умовах російсько-української війни». До Києва політв’язнів і їхньої боротьби Олександра Матвійчук провела лекцію у завітала делегація з Бундестагу Київській школі економіки Наші ініціативи Детальніше Відео 20:25 01:19 01:23 1 2 Про нас Діяльність Матеріали Організація Prisoner’sVoice Новини Підтримати | Donate Центр громадянських свобод (ЦГС) Голова OZON Заяви заснований у 2007 році для просування Команда Київська школа прав Позиції Волонтерити | Volunteer цінностей прав людини Документи людини та демократії Бібліотека E-MAIL Звітність Правозахисний порядок Написати нам [email protected] Тендери денний Вакансії Євромайдан SOS Newsletter Subscription ТЕЛЕФОН | PHONE: +380 67 211 31 22 Інформаційний хаб – ДЛЯ ЗМІ | FOR MEDIA PROBONO.HELP [email protected] Мапа насильницьких зникнень в Україні Правозахисники на війні Погляди, думĸи, висновĸи та інша інформація, висловлені в цих доĸументах, не належать і не обов’язĸово схвалюються Центром Громадянсьĸих Свобод (ЦГС), за винятĸом випадĸів, ĸоли ЦГС прямо вĸазаний яĸ автор цих доĸументів. Ми виĸористовуємо cookies. Ми налаштовуємо наш сайт, щоб поĸазати найбільш © 2007-2022 «ЦЕНТР ГРОМАДЯНСЬКИХ СВОБОД». УСІ ПРАВА ЗАХИЩЕНІ. ЗДІЙСНЕНО В РАМКАХ ПРОЕКТУ ЗА ПІДТРИМКИ ВІДДІЛУ ПРЕСИ, ОСВІТИ ТА КУЛЬТУРИ ПОСОЛЬСТВА США значимий ĸонтент і дати вам найĸращий досвід. Дізнайтеся більше про те, яĸ ваші дані виĸористовуються в нашій політиці ĸонфіденційності. вул. Басейна, 9 Г, офіс 25, м. Київ, 01004, тел.: +380 67 211 31 22, ПН - ПТ з 10:00 до 19:00 В УКРАЇНІ. ПОГЛЯДИ АВТОРІВ НЕ ОБОВ'ЯЗКОВО ЗБІГАЮТЬСЯ З ОФІЦІЙНОЮ ПОЗИЦІЄЮ УРЯДУ США. Ok Політиĸа ĸонфиденційності

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES 3.6.2. PARTNERSHIPS This year, the Center for Civil Liberties cooperated with the European Union Advi- sory Mission Ukraine on ci- * vilian security sector reform. And with the International Commission on Missing Persons to coordinate efforts to search for missing non-combatant civilians. We continued our system- atic work in the following coalitions: CivilM+, FIDH, PIL- global security in the wake of and permanent missions PG, SUN, Genocide network, Russia‘s brutal aggression. of international organ- Parliamentarians for Global Special events includ- isations in Ukraine. Action, Coalition for the In- ed a series of meetings of The Center has also acted ternational Criminal Court, Oleksandra Matviichuk and as a consultant to the UN and human rights groups. Oleksandra Romantsova at Human Rights Monitoring Together with the Promote the Council of Europe, PACE, Mission in Ukraine, the EU Ukraine initiative, we conduct European Parliament, OSCE Advisory Mission, the UN joint advocacy campaigns in Parliamentary Assembly, OfÏce on Drugs and Crime, the European Parliament. UN structures, and embas- the UN Resident Coordinator‘s The Head of the Center, sies of Ukraine’s partner OfÏce, the EU Delegation, Oleksandra Matviichuk, is states. And at world-famous the OSCE Human Rights Of- the Vice-President of FIDH, forums, such as the Munich fice, and other organisations. the oldest international net- Security Conference and The Center‘s analytical work of human rights organ- the Davos Economic Forum. findings were submitted to isations. Our organisation is In the course of advocacy the Special Representative actively involved in the work work with politicians and of the OSCE Parliamentary of the network. The solidar- opinion leaders in the EU Assembly for Eastern Eu- ity of 192 organisations from and the United States of rope, Daniela de Ridder, to be 117 countries has significantly America, it is worth men- included in a report that was increased the visibility of tioning Ms Matviichuk‘s later presented at the OSCE Ukrainian civil society and separate meeting with Di- conference in Vancouver. allowed us to influence the ac- dier Reynders, Minister of Our report to the OSCE tivities of international and Foreign Affairs of Belgium, included information on intergovernmental organi- Eamon Gilmore, EU Special intentional killings, torture sations, such as the Council Representative for Human or inhuman treatment, and of Europe, PACE, OSCE, and Rights, and Hillary Clinton. intentional attacks on civil- the UN, in alternative formats The CCL works with ian objects: cities, villages, to shape a new system of more than 40 embassies residential buildings, or * The civilian security sector comprises law enforcement and rule of law institutions, including the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Justice, the National Police, prosecutors, the Security Service of Ukraine, the State Border Guard Service, the courts, and anti-corruption agencies. Civil society and the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine also play an important role. 39

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA houses. Intentional attacks on The CCL provides analyt- unification meetings with buildings used for religious, ical support to its partners. PILPG, Redress, Justice Rapid educational, artistic, scien- We share our experiences, Response, Asser Institute, tific, or charitable purposes, knowledge of the local Carnegie Endowment historical monuments, context, and our network. for International Peace, hospitals, and places where We strive to increase Georgetown Law, European the sick and wounded are the capacity of state authori- Movement Ukraine, PAX, located. Forcing citizens of ties to effectively ensure jus- and other organisations. the opposing party to par- tice in the context of armed This year, the Center was ticipate in hostilities against conflict through a legal tool in visited by Mykhailo Lotman, their own country, inten- the form of legislative amend- Member of the Estonian tionally committing acts that ments and clarification of Parliament. The CCL also expose the civilian population the Rome Statute as the foun- met with representatives of to starvation as a method of dation for international coop- the largest political parties in the Bundestag — SPD (Social Democratic Party), CDU (Christian Democratic Union), FDP (Free Democratic Party), Die Grünen (the Greens), and Die Linke — who, since 24 February 2022, have been fully supporting the sov- ereignty of our country, the principle of immutability of borders, and compliance with international law. The Center pays special attention to the countries of Asia, Africa, and Latin America, as we share com- mon problems and security risks. That is why Oleksan- dra Romantsova, Executive Director of the Center for Civil Liberties, attended as part of the Ukrainian del- egation the 147th meeting of the Assembly of the In- warfare by depriving them of eration and as a guideline for ter-Parliamentary Union in the items necessary for sur- strengthening the system of the Angolan capital, Luanda. vival. This includes the inten- international criminal justice. The meetings with Syri- tional creation of obstacles The full-scale invasion an and Taiwanese activists to assistance, as provided has consolidated not only are worth special mention. for in the Geneva Conven- the population of Ukraine The Center is a member tions, in Donetsk, Dniprop- but also foreign politicians of the Syrian-Ukrainian etrovsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kyiv, and activists represent- Network (SUN). On 16 and Luhansk, Sumy, Kharkiv, ing the democratic world. 17 October, a conference Kherson, Chernihiv Oblasts. The Center held a series of entitled ‘Justice and 40

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 3.  WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND  HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES Accountability — New Ways caused by Russia‘s armed of Thinking’ was held in aggression against Ukraine. Kyiv in cooperation with The CCL uses all tools the network. They discussed provided by international issues of importance to institutions to address spe- Syria and Ukraine, including cific issues that we have the consequences of war been working on throughout crimes and crimes against the past year, namely: humanity, politicisation of • documenting war the humanitarian sector, geopolitical insecurity, lack of crimes and facilitating an adequate response from the international system the international community, of criminal justice; combating disinformation, • promoting legislative threats to regional and global security and international changes according to law and order, and more. the principles, best prac- On 24 April in Warsaw, tices, and standards of hu- during the OSCE Supple- man rights protection and mentary Human Dimen- aligning Ukrainian legis- sion Meeting, the CCL lation with EU standards; held an event dedicated to • monitoring the detention the forced displacement and deportation of Ukrainian conditions of political civilians, including children, prisoners and civilian by the Russian Federation. hostages to subsequently During the OSCE Warsaw release them from the ter- Human Dimension Con- ritory of Crimea and Rus- ference (WHDC), which took sia, as well as from places place from 2 to 13 October, of unlawful detention in the CCL representatives held the territory of Ukraine 2 events on ‘Filtration and which is temporarily not forced relocation: examining controlled by Ukraine. Russia‘s violations of interna- tional law’ and ‘Torture of ci- vilian hostages and prisoners of war after Russia‘s invasion of Ukraine’, as well as 12 advo- cacy meetings on countering Russian aggression, releasing Ukrainian hostages in Rus- sia, the ICC‘s cooperation with Ukraine, and more. At these and other events, the CCL organised separate events to inform diplomats from various OSCE member states about the problems 41

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA 4. ACHIEVEMENTS Author John Thys—AFP/Getty Images 1 Тіме 100 2 3 Oleksandra Matviichuk has been named to the presti- A Speech to Europe 2023, gious Time 100 list. She was Oleksandra Matviichuk recognised for her many ‘Speech to Europe’: No Peace years of work and the work of without Freedom, no the Center for Civil Liberties Justice without Law to build Ukraine‘s democratic This year, Oleksandra future and document war Matviichuk delivered a speech crimes committed by the Rus- on the Judenplatz square in sian Federation in order to Vienna on Europe Day. She bring war criminals to justice. called for a united front, arguing that shared values, not geography, define Europe‘s identity. A global alliance should be built to defend This year, Oleksandra fundamental rights in a world Matviichuk became the Hu- constantly facing threats. man Rights Ambassador of the UN Global Compact Network Ukraine. This is 42

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 4. ACHIEVEMENTS the Ukrainian network together the world‘s leaders 5 of the world‘s largest to discuss the most pressing community of responsible issues facing the world. Online Human Rights Guide businesses. Respect for Oleksandra Matviichuk Together with its partners, human rights is at the heart spoke about the need to the Baltic Human Rights of the 10 Principles of the UN defend democracy and Society has developed the first Global Compact Network, bring the top leadership of in Ukraine online Human so Oleksandra Matviichuk‘s the Russian Federation and Rights Guide in Ukrainian and human rights expertise will all war criminals to justice English. The guide explains strengthen the Compact‘s for war crimes committed human rights in an easily impact in Ukraine and in Ukraine. Oleksandra understandable way using promote the readiness of Matviichuk also called everyday situations as close Ukrainian businesses to for continued support as possible to the realities support the human rights for Ukraine‘s struggle for and needs of Ukrainians. It is value framework in Ukraine. its democratic choice. filled with examples from 4 This year, the Head of the Center for Civil Liberties spoke at a number of influ- ential international events: The World Economic Forum in Davos, the Munich Secu- rity Conference, the Warsaw Security Forum, which bring 43

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA outlines this need and makes specific recommendations for governments, international and donor organisations, cities and universities. 7 8 human rights cases, stories, Together with the Centre for fragments of legislation, and Strategic Communications has an intuitive interface. and, the OZON The guide is intended to Civil Monitoring Group creat- raise awareness of every ed a series of videos that an- citizen — from school- swer questions about the right children to lawyers — and to use shelters. These videos will be updated with new have received the status of relevant information. social advertising and were broadcast in the Kharkiv The film Victoria‘s Voice: metro, Intercity trains, on 6 The Center for Civil Liberties Suspilne and Espresso. team created a documentary The videos have been film Victoria‘s Voice: Diary of viewed on YouTube for over an Abducted Teacher, which 1 million views in 5 months. tells the story of a female maths teacher from Brovary 9 who survived Russian cap- tivity. The film premiered on the Espresso TV channel, and This year, more than the total number of views on 120 educational events were YouTube was 231,647 thousand held as part of the KSHR in 9 months. The team also training, as opposed to presented the film at three the previous year, which had international venues: the Hel- more than 40 educational sinki Book Fair and the World events. The school team also The Sunflower Declaration Peace Forum in Barcelona, attracted 4,026 thousand Together with other 2022 No- as well as the Ukrainian participants who attended bel Peace Prize winners and Cultural Centre in Barcelona. KSHR events for the first time. human rights organisations, the Center for Civil Liberties created the Sunflower Declaration as a call for the protection of human rights defenders in danger. Citing research, the document 44

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 5.  OUR TEAM 5. OUR TEAM Oleksandra Anna Matviichuk Popova Head of the Organization Project Manager [email protected] [email protected] Alona Ivanna Maksymenko Malchevska Assistant to the Head Project and Volunteer of the Organisation Interaction Manager [email protected] [email protected] Oleksandra Serhina Romantsova Tarnavska Executive Director Project Manager [email protected] [email protected] Yevheniia Roman Kubakh Nekoliak Coordinator for International Organisation Development Cooperation Coordinator and Fundraising [email protected] [email protected] Tetiana Alona Kozachok Bulba Coordinator Educational of Financial Department Project Manger [email protected] [email protected] Liubov Khrystyna Honcharova Buchkovska Chief Accountant Communication [email protected] Coordinator [email protected] Nataliia Mariia Yashchuk Khaliuk Project Management Assistant to the Coordinator 45 Executive Director [email protected] [email protected]

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA PARTNER TEAM EXPERT COUNCIL Anna Viacheslav Trushova Likhachov Communication Manager Resident Expert [email protected] [email protected] Alyona Oleh Danilova Martynenko Communication Resident Expert Manager [email protected] [email protected] Anastasiia Mykhailo Holovnenko Savva Communications Assistant to Resident Expert the Head of the Organisation [email protected] [email protected] Sviatoslav Volodymyr Ruban Yavorskyi Information Coordinator Resident Expert [email protected] [email protected] Borys Kostiantyn Zlotchenko Zadoia IT support Resident Expert [email protected] [email protected] Ivanna Buhai SMM Manager [email protected] Tetiana Kapustynska Copywriter [email protected] 46

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 5.  OUR TEAM BOARD Larysa Dmytro Denysenko Koval Member of the Board Member of the Board [email protected] [email protected] Olena Alisa Kaiumova Malytska Member of the Board Member of the Board [email protected] [email protected] Andrii Olha Kyrylenko Sahaidak Member of the Board Member of the Board [email protected] [email protected] Ihor Kozlovskyi Member of the Board [email protected] 47

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA A 10,000,000 35 , SID 3. ency 7 5 1, ation Ag 18 ooper 9, 8,000,000 opment C el v l De ernationa 6,000,000 AID) 00 S The Swedish Int act Inc (U 368. P 5, SIGRID 4 RAUSING TRUST 8,2 60 9 4,000,000 10 90 artment rust acy 3 e 33. 1. 13. 50 5 5 2 04, e Dep ausing T ndowment 0 at 36. l Eor Democr 3, 00 2 7 15,8 S St 106.83 6 f 2.7 y Institut ope ory activities 4 U 7, 44 y 00 95 ur 500, atut 3, 15 18, Nationa 1,83 oundation Open Societ1, ausch») 100. ee 6.85 s 00 3, 4 06 3, The Sigrid R 1 5 F ands 7 50. oup E or st 3, 9 06 2,7 908, ommitt ltic Human ender 905. 2. 2,000,000 38, Ba Rights Societ 99,7 7, 000. 48 The Netherl 4 3 38 y Rights Gr ands MIA 10 Helsinki C ont Line Def 150, dom of the 84, eedom House r r German MIA («Aust F Minorit KingNetherl F Other donations f0

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 6. FINANCIAL REPORT 6. FINANCIAL REPORT A 10,000,000 35, SID SUPPORT 3.ency RECEIVED 7 IN 2023: AH 5 d in U ation Ag e 1, at 18ooper e indic 9, 8,000,000 opment C All amounts ar el v l De ernationa 6,000,000 AID) 00S The Swedish Int act Inc (U 368.P 5,SIGRID 4RAUSING TRUST 8,260 9 4,000,000 1090artmentrustacy 3 e 33. 1. 13.5055 2 04,e Depausing Tndowment 0 at36.l Eor Democr3,00 2 715,8S St106.836f2.7y Institut ope ory activities 4U7,44 y 00 95 ur 500, atut 3,1518,Nationa1,83oundation Open Societ1,ausch») 6.85 s 00 3, 4 063,The Sigrid R15Fands 7 50. oup E or st 3, 9 06 2,7 908, ommitt ltic Human ender 905. 2. 2,000,000 38, Ba Rights Societ99,7 7, 000. The Netherl 4 3 38 y Rights Gr ands MIA 10 49 Helsinki C ont Line Def 150, dom of the 84, eedom House r r German MIA («Aust F Minorit KingNetherl F Other donations f0

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA EXPENSES (ALL AMOUNTS ARE INDICATED IN UAH) Travels of employees and 1,794,553.82 volunteers Conferences, seminars and 4,514,000.00 other events Communication (websites, social media, 2,992,750.00 mass media, video, design, visualization) Fees of experts, trainers, 4,438,800.00 authors, researchers, etc Publications 199,754.62 㟓 A Translations 280,205.40 Subgrants, legal and 1,500,000.00 direct assistance Salaries of full-time 6,610,660.00 employees Taxes, social and pension 3,403,631.20 contributions Administrative expenses (including rent, repair and 3,288,164.47 maintenance of premises, communications, bank, stationery and other office expenses) 998,479.24 Equipment Other Costs 943,376.09 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 7,000,000 8,000,000 50

ANNUAL REPORT 2023 6. FINANCIAL REPORT Total Income 33,993,950.68 UAH Total Expenses 30,964,374.84 UAH

Annual Report 2023 - Page 52