Annual Report 2021

This document details the activities and achievements of the Center for Civil Liberties in the year 2021.


ANNUAL REPORT OF THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES 2021 ADDRESS: 9g Baseina Str., of. 28, Kyiv, Email: .com Kyiv 2022

TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION ON THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES Volunteers and interns WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms Overcoming the consequences of an international armed conict Getting the public involved in the human rights work Human rights training and education Strengthening international solidarity Organizational development ACHIEVEMENTS OUR TEAM

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA INTRODUCTION THE ART OF GOING FORWARD umming up 2021 is not 2. DID THE NGO individuals and teams with - SECTOR RETAIN ITS NGO background that had Sdemic has become the POSITIONS IN 2021? entered the government. backdrop for everything and Now the Crimea Platform has become commonplace. We will see it from the should start working as Still, it does not make it easier results of opinion polls which to analyze the challenges key stakeholders’ actions, and and opportunities facing the the response to the detention public sector and the human society sector is measured by of Nariman Celal shows that, strategic changes, and they unfortunately, this has not highlight the essential things yet happened. Therefore, the that focus, mobilize and in - perspective. However, we will NGO sector should join and spire to move on: be able to see how well the support this transformation. NGO sector has coped with Meanwhile, the greatest the task of involving ordinary loss is the NGO sector’s 1. WHAT EVENT WOULD people in civic activism failure to pay attention to YOU CALL THE MOST from the annual report of the draft law on the Security IMPORTANT NEWS the Democratic Initiatives Service of Ukraine, which OF THE YEAR? Foundation by comparing would upon its adoption the indicators of civic activity empower SSU agents to The event which has not for the past and these years. visit the oces of journalists, been truly appreciated by anti-corruption activists, human rights activists, busi - NSDC decision to impose 3. NAME THE SECTOR’S nesses, essentially anyone in sanctions on the so-called GREATEST VICTORY the country – and demand “Ukrainian smugglers”. AND GREATEST access to any information - LOSS IN 2021. ident of Ukraine, acting it also creates ample op - contrary to the Constitution, The sector’s greatest victory portunities for direct auto - arrogated to himself the was the launch of the Crimea matic access to telephones powers of the judiciary and Platform. Yes, it was led and computers belonging intensied the trend towards by state institutions, but to persons the security micromanaging the country. these leaders were actually service is interested in.

INTRODUCTION 4. WHAT GROWTH AREA YOUR ORGANIZATION HAS IDENTIFIED FOR ITSELF FOR 2022? The secretariat of the interna - tional Civic Solidarity Plat - form, which brings together human rights organizations in the OSCE region, has moved east of Vienna for the year, its functions will be performed by the Center for Civil Liberties. So, we have network that will resist the onslaught on freedom and democracy at the global level. Oleksandra Matviichuk Chair of the Board Civil Liberties


ON THE CENTER FOR CIVIL LIBERTIES Trights standards, conducts public oversight of law enforcement agencies, courts, and local authorities, investigates crimes committed during the Euromaidan protests, as well as documents rights and democracy education, takes part in international solidarity programs, etc. OUR MISSION: Establishing human rights, democracy and solidarity in Ukraine and the OSCE region in order to promote human dignity. VISION: public opinion and public policy, supporting the development of civic activism, and taking an active part in international networks and solidarity actions to promote human rights in the OSCE region. OUR VALUES: respect for human dignity; freedom and human rights; solidarity; rule of law; impartiality; democracy; non-discrimination .

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Volunteers and interns volunteers organize protests, The main objectives of denes the development and support of the volunteer events, participate in public to provide interns with the movement as one of its monitoring, maintain pages opportunity to gain practical on social networks, con - organization regularly holds duct analytical and design to their academic program activities for volunteers work and much more. or future work; to help them who want to get involved As of 2021, the community acquire practical skills and in human rights work. of the Center’s volunteers build capacity in relevant CCL volunteers help us in in Kyiv and the provinces areas; to broaden their expe - - - rights NGO; and to enable of human rights activists, where everyone can become form of activity, which is car - from the work of interns. - and aims not only to assist didates became participants who want to change the employees of the organiza - in the internship programs at country, promote human tion, but also to ensure the di - the Center last year. From that rights, control the authori - rect intensive transfer of ex - - ties and protect others. Our perience and skills to interns. ers from France and the USA.

WORK WITHIN STRATEGIC AREAS AND HUMAN RIGHTS INITIATIVES he main strategic work areas of the Cen - Coalitions and initiatives coordinated Tter for Civil Liberties are: by the Center for Civil Liberties.  Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms.  Overcoming the consequences of  Getting the public involved in the human rights work.  Human rights training and education.  Strengthening international solidarity.

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Developing the human rights movement and supporting reforms Last year, the informal coali - Ukraine on War Criminals tion of human rights organi - to public authorities. (Law No. 2689), protection zations known as the Human During 2021, the coalition of Belarusian human rights Rights Agenda (HRA) platform, of human rights organiza - activists and media, release continued to work on moni - tions focused on the reform of political prisoners held of the Security Service of legislation in accordance with Ukraine and the prospect Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts the basic principles of human of introducing jury trial, and the Russian Federation, rights and fundamental improvement of legal aware - the Istanbul Convention and ness and ensuring respect partners, it signed more than the Rome Statute, adoption for human rights principles and signing of the Law of (“THE WAR CRIMINAL LAW“) In 2021, we kept up an active campaign to push for the adoption of the draft every eort to that end, resulting in the Verkhov - na Rada adopting in the second reading the Law Legislative Acts of Ukraine on the Implementation of International Criminal and Humanitarian Law” the nal reading, and it was submitted for the presi - dential approval on June 7.

This was preceded by - footage of real war crimes cussions and activities. Also, committed in the Donbas of CCL representatives with as part of our push for the since the start of the Russian statespersons and stake - aggression was projected holders; in particular, we took part in the annual forum onto the building of the organized and held more than Ukraine 30, where we talked Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. about the conditions of deten - Contrary to our expectations, representatives of the ruling tion of political prisoners in the long-awaited signing did party and veterans, as well as the COVID-19 era and the need not take place in early June. meetings with media repre - sentatives, Director of the Three large-scale events the matter and speed up the were held as part of the cam - signing, the Center for Civil organization repeatedly raised paign in the reporting year. Liberties held another per - the issue of the need to ratify On May 15, an event with formance event on August 19, the law at various national and - entitled Waiting Kills, which international venues. During tion was organized outside called for the immediate the campaign in support of the Verkhovna Rada building in support of the law on which by that time spent over we organized and participated

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA by the head of state. Shortly to bring together many human rights organizations. been awaiting the President’s 28, on the eve of the meeting One of the demands was signature for six months now. of the Presidents of Ukraine the immediate signing of The Center for Civil Lib - and the United States, we erties continues to push organized another perfor - Under the Constitution of for the signing of this doc - ument and will continue to Kremlin Hostages Are Not either signed or returned to work actively to promote Toys, which saw the Center the Verkhovna Rada for recon - for Civil Liberties managing the law on war criminals. CAMPAIGN IN SUPPORT OF THE RATIFICATION OF THE ROME STATUTE The three-year suspension of the new constitutional provisions which pave the Rome Statute expired back in June 2019. However, neither the President nor the Parlia - ment proved able to initiate Statute in 2020. During 2021, the HRA kept reminding the public and the government of the need to ratify the Rome create an expert team which worked on the development of explanatory materials to debunk the myths surround - the event were the Represen - the provisions of the Rome ing the Rome Statute, and Statute which debunked the this campaign got supported of Ukraine in the Autono - myths surrounding this topic. by our new partners; we also mous Republic of Crimea, The Center for Civil Lib - established cooperation with the Ukrainian International veterans and opinion leaders Law Association, the Depart - meetings with representa - ment of Criminal Law Policy tives of veterans’ organiza - project in support of the rat - and Criminal Law of the tions, such as the Union of Shevchenko National Univer - Veterans of Ukraine, the Legal A three-day event dedicat - sity of Kyiv, and the Verkhov - Hundred, the Geneva Ap - ed to the Day of International na Rada Committee on Law peal, Sich-Dnipro, the Space Criminal Justice, which in - of Opportunities, and the engaged domestic and inter - Veteran Hub, to clarify the and applied research online national experts and scholars, Rome Statute provisions and activities entitled the Week legislators, law enforcement of International Criminal an information campaign to 1,785 persons watched the

discussions online. Overall, statute remains on the agen - for Human Rights (FIDH), the the Human Rights Agenda da of the Center’s meetings world’s oldest human rights with public authorities and organization, to Ukraine to and events in support of the international bodies; the CCL support Ukrainian NGOs’ - the International Federation for international crimes. REFORM OF THE SECURITY SERVICE OF UKRAINE In 2021, we worked on reforming the Security Service of Ukraine within the framework of the Human Rights Agenda platform. Our - tematic eort of coalition experts on all issues of the draft law, which resulted in the experts preparing an analytical report on the dan - ger posed for human rights by certain provisions of the has received support from - clusions of our experts were conveyed to legislators. The Human Rights Agenda - cerning the draft law on SSU operations and prepared - ternational arena, the HRA with Human Rights Watch. - lematic issues of the draft law and reform in general. representatives of minis - tries, the Prosecutor Gen - eral’s Oce, and the SSU.

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA JUDICIAL REFORM AND THE JURY TRIAL Anglo-Saxon model of jury letters to political parties represented in parliament calling for more work to be - veyed to MPs who were members of the Committee on Law Enforcement and the Committee on Legal Policy the Center’s position on the government-submitted reg - 4191, 4192, aimed at introduc - ing the jury trial in Ukraine. The Center’s position Judicial Forum on Septem - from representatives of Experts of the Center for non-governmental organiza - the involvement of public Civil Liberties prepared an tions interested in promoting stakeholders and central the jury trial in Ukraine. executive bodies, the judicia - laws, which concluded that On November 5, the ry, and international experts. they deserved the support Committee on Legal Policy Outreach and educational of civil society organizations, as the introduction of the and positive consequences Anglo-Saxon model of jury - trial would increase the on the agenda of another uine jury trial in Ukraine are fairness of judgments in committee, namely the regularly published on the cases where the defendant Committee on Law En - Center’s social media pages. - forcement, back in 2020). And why the model currently In November 2021, these used in Ukraine is actually - - nation meeting of repre - ter to the Chairperson of the sentatives of civil society Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine institutions on the intro - calling on them to consider duction of the jury trial in Ukraine took place at the hearing before the year-end - - tion Nos. 4190, 4191, 4192 with

Ukraine, the representative of the President of Ukraine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the State Service for Ethnic Policy and Freedom of Conscience of Ukraine. Together we were able to various pressing topics of 2021: women’s rights and the Istanbul Convention, police reform, feminist studies, activist security, personal data protection, transitional justice, environmental law, IDP rights, social work with students from certain areas of Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, The COVID-19 epidemic has Integration of the Ministry of the rights of ethnic minori - changed some things, but it Digitalization, the Verkhovna ties and indigenous peoples, - Rada Committee on Human judicial reform, issues of his - - Rights, Deoccupation and torical memory and politics. lenge for the Center for Civil Reintegration of Tempo - Last year, we collaborated Liberties, so the #Non-Con - rarily Occupied Territories with the human rights group in Donetsk and Luhansk SICH and Suspilne Television show format. This format Oblasts, the Autonomous - involved panel discussions Republic of Crimea and the mentaries entitled Fighters - City of Sevastopol, National for the Truth as part of the - Minorities and Interethnic Non-Conference. These are Relations, the Ministry of personal stories of success - allowed participants to focus Reintegration of the Tempo - on key messages to provide rarily Occupied Territories of viewers with more informa - The technical partner of the event was Hromadske.UA, rights organizations became partners in organizing online also attended by represen - tatives of public authorities, namely the Prosecutor Gen - eral, NABU, Director General of the Directorate for Strate - gic Planning and European


- armed conict and their - fect legislation, etc.). These families (war veterans, tional Human Rights Prize are stories about spirited IDPs, volunteers, former 2021 was won by Liudmyla people who are active citizens prisoners of war, families and stand ready to defend prisoner in certain areas of their rights, seek ways out aims to encourage people - to explore and protect hovna Rada of Ukraine set an example for others. their rights themselves Human Rights Commis - They prove that people or with the help of hu - sioner Liudmyla Denisova man rights activists. presented the award to the The heroes of these We also held the award husband of the imprisoned stories are victims of the ceremony for the National human rights activist. 6300 50 16 15 10 views expert panel hours of live short speakers discussions streaming documentary videos

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA PROMOTING INTERNET FREEDOM IN UKRAINE In 2021, the American Bar As - NGOs, the private sector personal data, which webinars sociation Rule of Law Initiative and public authorities. are held through an Internet (ABA ROLI) and the Center for In May 2021, the Center for Civil Liberties launched to study Internet freedom project entitled Promoting and participate in public Internet Freedom in Ukraine, events which included round campaigns in support of it. which aims to support laws tables, webinars, and joint and policies aimed at protect - advocacy events to defend ing Internet freedoms and democratic principles and freedom of expression online. - The project simultaneously net space administration. works in three areas, namely The CCL Training Hub has strengthening expertise launched the Internet Free - in Internet freedom and dom Club program, which national security, increasing the capacity of Ukrainian Internet freedom, freedom of NGOs to protect and promote speech on the Internet, media Internet freedom, and stim - literacy, critical thinking de - ulating interaction between velopment, and legislation on

Overcoming #PRISONERSVOICE CAMPAIGN AND EVENTS For the eighth year running, the Center for Civil Liberties has been organizing various international and national campaigns for the release of all Ukrainian prisoners of the Kremlin. Since 2014, this work has been carried out within the framework of the #LetMyPeopleGo and #SaveOlegSentsov cam - paigns. Now the campaign is known as #PrisonersVoice. In 2021, we continued to - ans who are imprisoned for caused by the spread of in the occupied territories political reasons in Russia COVID-19, the Center for Civil and in prisons of the Russian and the occupied territories Liberties continued the in - ternational campaign #Pris - topic on the agenda and to campaign, we organized doz - onersVoice which it launched ens of events last year, both in late 2020 demanding an further advocacy of this independently and jointly urgent response from the UN, issue on international ven - with partner organizations, Council of Europe, European aimed to get the prisoners Union, OSCE and their mem - and disseminated in three released and facilitate their ber states to the catastrophic languages (Ukrainian, En - conditions in captivity. consequences the spread of Thus, due to the coronavirus is expected to the petition has collected long-standing situation have in closed prison spaces about 14,000 signatures.

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA During the reporting period, steady organizational, legal and material support was provided to the relatives of Ukrainian citizens impris - oned in Russia for political reasons, including arranging for them to send parcels to prisoners and visit the latter. As part of the #Prison - ersVoice campaign, dozens of statements in support of the prisoners of the Kremlin were released last year, both inde - • side event Crimean pendently and jointly with part - Svoboda journalist Vla - ner organizations, and about Childhood: Occupation for dyslav Yesypenko and , the Youngest, organized other journalists working teleconferences, roundta - by the CCL in partnership in occupied Crimea, bles and conferences were with the Ukrainian Insti - which has received organized and held, the most support from dozens of prominent of them being: margins of the Crimean well-known journalists; • unique all-Ukrainian Platform, which for the • performance event Lives exhibition project Crimea. Summer Season: What issue of protecting the of Hostages Are Not Toys, They Can’t Take Away from rights of political pris - held outside the Presiden - Us, which was implement - ed in June-July jointly with presented an artistic pho - timed to coincide with partner organizations. tography project telling the meeting of President the story of ten children Zelensky and President was to remind Ukrainians of political prisoners; Biden in late August. For and international actors • international event this event, we managed of the occupation of the peninsula and to collect #JournalismIsNotaC - partner organizations and artifacts that embody our rime, held in solidarity remind people on the eve memories of Crimea; with imprisoned Radio of the historic meeting on citizens were still held in the Kremlin dungeons ways to get these people human rights activists and representatives of relevant public authorities was held was initiated by the Presi - to our August event.

We held four large-scale Ukrainian PEN and with also organized as part marathons to write letters of the informational support of the #PrisonersVoice support to political prisoners: campaign on August • traditional winter mara - of the campaign, well- 26-28 at the annual Lviv thon of letters to political known Ukrainians joined Media Forum, which prisoners. During Decem - in reading “letters from is the principal media ber-January, the Prisoners prison” that were broad - conference of Central cast on the radio as long as and Eastern Europe; the PrisonersVoice booth • are coordinated by the Center for Civil Liberties, days from morning till late mid-September, the published thematic posts in the evening, the festival Center for Civil Liberties quoting released and visitors had the opportu - conducted in the frame - current political prison - nity to write to our com - work of the traditional ers, their relatives, and patriots who are illegally Lviv Book Forum 28Book - held in prisons of Crimea Forum an information readers to write words of campaign entitled #Pris - support for those current - received support of many onersVoice, in which visi - ly held in Russian prisons; - tors had the opportunity • ing President of Ukraine to examine an updated list of the prisoners of Krem - letters to the Kremlin President of Ukraine hostages-2021 was held on Petro Poroshenko, Prime of support to the captives. June 23-27 at the annual Minister of Ukraine International Book Arse - Denys Shmyhal etc. - nal Festival as part of the sand postcards, most of #PrisonersVoice campaign • a marathon of letters for which have already been in cooperation with the the Kremlin hostages was delivered to addressees.

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Getting the public involved in the human rights work POINT 7 Last year, we launched the meetings in the format of project Promoting Social Cohesion in Ukraine, which interests, and religious views is implemented in part - are actively involved in the nership with the American life of their communities and issues of the region with the Bar Association Rule of Law have equal opportunities participation of local human Initiative (ABA ROLI) and to express themselves. rights organizations, repre - the Vostok SOS Charitable The well-being of the sentatives of target groups, community depends on experts and representatives the project the short name the well-being of all groups - - which contributes to general gional events also aimed to ination among the general security and trust within the community. That is why the most active representa - the Universal Declaration of we held regional working tives of all parties to agree Human Rights, which states that all people are equal and entitled to equal protection against any discrimination. The project aims to pro - mote social cohesion and na - tional unity in Ukraine, built around democratic principles between ethnic groups and national minorities, members of the LGBTI community, internally displaced persons and other groups by support - ing civil society and media ini - society, where the destination

stereotypes and raising the level of national identity. Ini - tiatives of journalists included analytical and expert content, articles and the development of multimedia products. Information web resource with an interactive map of the project and analytical materials can be found at this link on the agenda for further the opportunity to receive action. Strong communities support from local initiatives. are communities that are - able to turn their diversity - into an advantage and unite ported all-Ukrainian media around their own well-being. initiatives in the framework Besides advocacy activ - of the Equal and Free com - ities, the project includes petition. Based on the results educational programs, youth of the competition, cross-re - camps and democracy schools gional journalist teams created and published ma - active participants have terials aimed at overcoming

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA VOLUNTEER PRIZE 2021 Last year, the Center for With every passing year, of displaced persons, coordi - Civil Liberties awarded there are more and more nate environmental, cultural “ordinary people who do nominees for the Volunteer and educational projects – extraordinary things” as Prize, the list of volunteer this list of volunteer activity part of the Euromaidan activity areas grows, and areas can go on and on. Last SOS initiative for the eighth last year we received record year’s event was the second 278 - award ceremony was held, nees include volunteers from subject to quarantine require - as usual, on November 30. all regions of Ukraine, repre - After all, it was on this day sentatives of the Ukrainian those wishing to congratulate in 2013 that the Euromaidan diaspora living abroad and them were able to join the wel - SOS initiative was created foreign nationals who work on come speech via the Internet. in response to the violent Volunteers work in various student demonstration on Independence Square. war victims, children, families

278 applications for this year’s award

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA The year 2021 showed us that the human rights movement does exist in Ukraine, but, unfortunately, one of the indicators of its activity is the increase in the number of attacks on human rights activists. Analyzing this problematic - itive trend of human rights activists becoming more outspoken about attacks and harassment, their increased condence in human rights organizations working to protect them. A separate area in the for - In 2021, we kept working questions that arose during system for the protection record cases of attacks on The human rights move - of human rights activists human rights activists, as well ment of Ukraine is in an active communication between the as stages of communication formation phase and needs Center for Civil Liberties and with law enforcement agen - special attention concerning law enforcement agencies cies and courts on the Inter - - on violations of procedural active Map of Civil Society age of human rights activists Harassment ( and promotion of their work to open, openings or closures among ordinary citizens of of criminal proceedings this country, as well as at the under the Law of Ukraine “On representation of up-to-date Access to Public Information”. information on the state of Recently, there has been pressure on human rights has been launched to create - activists by time and region. motivational interviews with forcement agencies failing to The Center for Civil Liber - human rights activists. provide the requested infor - ties initiated the development mation within the framework of an updated version of of this Law, which indicates the legal self-help chatbot that the system is still closed FightBack 2. Having analyzed despite populist statements user requests, we began work to the contrary. Such circum - on improving the resource, stances facilitate development focusing on legal aid in the - oversight mechanisms for dent and supplementing the law enforcement agencies. answers to the most common

OZON PUBLIC MONITORING GROUP The OZON Public Monitor - association of concerned citizens who are aware of the importance of quality public oversight of government actions as well as key process - es that take place at the line of contact between society or individual and the state. launched the initiative and coordinates its operations. Public monitors are an independent party, they are always ABOVE the process. Their activity aims to improve the work of public authorities through an organized system of independent oversight of them. Through their work, their previous specialization recognizable due to special monitor groups promote the - yellow vests and ID cards with concept of government as tors’ task is to record events the words “public monitor”. happening in connection with During the year, more than peaceful protests and track bodies is assessed directly violations committed during and the provinces joined by the people themselves. then analyzed for compliance group’s activities is the with national legislation and public monitoring and public broadly-based involvement international standards. oversight activities in 2021. of “ordinary” citizens in OZON volunteers are public oversight, regardless of visible to the public and easily 26 12 4 42 30 cases of thorough appeals requests monitoring assessments of monitoring to public for public of peaceful police work during authorities information assemblies peaceful assemblies hearings

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA the functioning of the volun - monitoring of the rally in - teer community. However, support of Serhii Sternenko - this situation showed that (February 23) and the event unteer parties in Kyiv and the OZON could operate auton - Can’t You Hear? You’ll See! provinces to improve skills omously, and the volunteer (March 20) were widely and deepen volunteers’ in - community had the ability covered in the Ukrainian volvement in OZON activities. to self-organize. Between media, in particular Radio January and July, it monitored Svoboda and Hromadske. OZON Public Monitoring The OZON Public Monitor - - ing Group continues to grow assessing police actions and and recruit new members. coordination and systematic work on developing the group recommendations. Among December, we revived the other things, reports on the process of recruiting new

people to the ranks of public 1. violations of the rules 2. poor quality of police monitors and held trainings concerning wearing for new volunteers. Our uniforms and personal uniforms and all nec - network grew especially essary resources for strongly last year in Kharkiv fall last year, we faced proper performance of and Odesa, where the number their duties (this prob - of volunteers almost doubled. with raincoats, which lem is especially notice - Active monitoring of are part of police able in Kharkiv, where police actions during peace - uniforms, because they ful assemblies allowed us completely cover all the local National Police Main to identify the following insignia of the National Directorate (NPMD)’s most frequent violations: Police of Ukraine); uniforms, uncomfort - able belts and shoes); 3. disproportionate use of force during ar - rests at assemblies; 4. - tion with the organizers - enforcement agencies, which led to crisis sit - uations, aggression or obstacles to holding peaceful assemblies; 5. unreasonable restric - tions on the freedom of peaceful assembly (in particular, preventing participants from enter - ing areas near admin - istrative buildings). The OZON Public Monitor - ing Group constantly commu - nicates with law enforcement agencies and conducts advo - cacy work on all these issues. able to get feedback from the police on our recommenda - tions, and the police repre - sentatives informed us that the recommendations had been incorporated in their

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA subsequent work, and they submitted to the SBI for greatly deteriorated under held additional trainings and - the pandemic conditions, provided instructive expla - cordance with applicable law. - nations to their employees. Last year’s challenge was lem for public monitoring. the monitoring of court hear - At the end of last year, we submitted complaints ings under quarantine restric - to the Odesa Oblast NPMD were organized in separate and the Mykolaiv City Ter - work in this area, and in par - working groups to further ticular to continue monitoring enhance the visibility and Bureau of Investigations the Maidan cases, we submit - capability of the initiative (SBI) concerning the case of - illegal use of physical force by district courts to allow public nication strategy, planning monitors to enter the court - community education and of roughly executed arrest rooms despite the quarantine leisure activities, and devel - and possible abuse of power or provide alternative op - oping new tools for public recorded during the monitor - portunities to monitor cases oversight of law enforce - ing of the Pride 2021 march (such as online streaming). ment and local authorities. Unfortunately, our monitors Experts from relevant Oblast NPMD has conducted have been allowed access only elds have already been an internal investigation, the recruited for these work - results of which, together state, therefore, that the level with our analysis, have been of openness of the courts has basis to advise volunteers.

Human rights training and education The Kyiv School of Human Rights and Democracy is an educational platform of the Center for Civil Liberties, which for several years in - ent parts of Ukraine and the Eurasia region that are free of charge for their participants. In 2021, despite COVID-19 and in compliance with all established quarantine restrictions, we held more - with young people, children, Last year we also launched - an interesting and meaningful second-level training, which ures and experts, non-govern - idea, namely started to pro - were organized both for mental organizations and any - duce and screen videos on the residents of Ukrainian one who wanted to learn more Universal Declaration of Hu - cities and for people from about human rights or be - man Rights, which highlight Belarus, Moldova, Azerbaijan, the essence, main message Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyz - At these events, we strive and practical aspect of each stan and other countries. to convey information that article of this international act. is important to everyone: Thus, we discuss each article Weekends took place during • What are human rights using simple language and ex - the summer months, which ploring its practical meaning. and how to protect them? Over the past year, we • how to exercise one’s actively continued Solidarity other human rights events - held by the Center for Civil rights in real life, and not tional discussions of topics just know that they exist which are important for the in some document? Eurasia region. And now all such events is very diverse, • What rights violations our participants (human but all attendees are united rights activists and human actually happen almost rights organizations of the the rights of everyone in every day? And how Eurasia region) know that at to respond to them?

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA of each month, we start our coalition component that - fellow human rights activists needs it. Therefore, we will continue this activity in 2022. Also in 2021, we held Human Rights Schools in Georgia and Kazakhstan. what human rights are; where did they come from; - olate the rights of another person; how many rights we have and where to look for them; what human rights protect us from; how human rights activism and politics relate; who protects human rights, and much more.

Strengthening international solidarity solidarity campaign that, with the help of volunteers, has been collecting and organizing information on human rights violations in acts of blatant human rights Belarus since the beginning solidarity events with the civil violations by the Lukashenko of the peaceful protests there society of Belarus were held regime, and the protection of within the framework of the the rights of Belarusian chil - unites concerned people campaign. Their topics in - clude solidarity with political submitted an appeal to inter - includes activities and events prisoners, activists and hu - national bodies to draw their in support of the Belarusian man rights activists, collecting attention to these issues with - civil society and individual letters in their support, the in Belarus and to involve the problem of access to health world community in protect - from political repression. care in prisons, responding to ing the rights of Belarusians.

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA Major Ukrainian media mentioned these events over - cational lectures for Belar - usian migrants in Ukraine. A joint committee hearing on the security of Belarusians in Ukraine has been initiated within the framework of #Be - larusWatch together with oth - er human rights organizations. We advocated for changes in Ukrainian legislation to im - prove the living conditions of Belarusian political migrants. and student unions of international and Ukrainian international campaign of democratic countries. organizations that are ready solidarity with Belarusian We also held several large- students expelled from scale events to strengthen the rights of Belarusians. their homeland for politi - linkages within the Be - larusian community and was joined by universities establish cooperation with

Organizational development In 2021, the institutional which allows us to use the - development of the organi - latest tools to improve the zation unfolded in several organization’s digital repre - increased. Specialists in main areas that contributed sentation, which is becoming project and event man - to increasing the stability of especially important in the agement, PR and commu - the organization’s operations. nications, and fundraising For instance, the organi - have joined the team. zation expanded the list of - internal policies and pro - ment page that allows training in the areas of cedures that are important communications, digital for sustainable work and support our activities. security, fundraising basics, We developed the Fund - project management, project we developed the Privacy raising Strategy for 2021-2023 budgeting, the use of remote Policy on the use of personal with an emphasis on diver - communication and planning data of website users and tools, which is especially improved the Risk Matrix. important under coronavi - attract non-grant funds enti - rus pandemic conditions. website for the organization,

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA ACHIEVEMENTS Selection to the UN Committee against Torture. was live-streamed for its of the CCL was selected to the UN Committee against Torture. With the support of the Ministry of Coordinating the Civic The 2021 Euromaidan Ukrainian and international Solidarity Platform’s work. SOS Volunteer Prize had non-governmental organizations, Oleksandra Solidarity Platform has moved number in all the years of Matviichuk conducted east of Vienna in the OSCE the award’s existence. 2011. The next two years the Center for Civil Liberties has an important task as we will coordinate the work of an international platform that brings together about organizations across Europe, Eurasia and North America. The National Human Rights The Verkhovna Rada sup - Non-Conference took place ported in the second reading format, which made it possi - adoption by the Verkhovna ble to comply with all quaran - Rada, we kept calling on the President of Ukraine to sign of the panel discussions was

online campaign in which Belarusian students expelled former prisoners called on from their homeland for teleconferences, round - tables and conferences, the paign was joined by univer - largest of them being the event entitled Waiting Kills sities and student unions exhibition project Crimea. outside the Presidential of democratic countries. Summer Season: What They Can’t Take Away from Us, side event Crimean Childhood: Occupation for the Youngest, international event #Jour - for almost seven months. As part of the Human Rights nalismIsNotaCrime, held in Agenda platform, we conduct - solidarity with imprisoned pushing for the president to Radio Svoboda journalist sign the Law No. 2689, which participation of veterans and Vladyslav Yesypenko and has been awaiting Volodymyr - other journalists working in Zelensky’s signature for the tion of the Rome Statute of the occupied Crimea and joined sixth month and counting. International Criminal Court. - by Oleksandr Matiash, Dmy - tro Krykun, Alina Mykhailova, and Andrii Kozinchuk. Oleksandra Matviichuk was shortlisted for the 2021 Reform of the Security Human Rights Tulip. She - was nominated for her work on protecting freedom of peaceful assembly, the right Agenda coalition experts to freedom of expression and meeting of representatives concerning all problematic of civil society institutions on impunity and for accountabil - the introduction of the jury 3196-d. CCL experts prepared ity for international crimes. - an analytical report on the zation prepared an analytical danger posed for human rights by certain provisions 4190, 4191, 4192 that had been registered in the Parliament Together with other human and presented the position of rights organizations, we held - conclusions of our experts within the framework of #Be - cial Forum on September 30. were passed to the MPs, - which made the Verkhovna hearing on the protection tee on Legal Policy included Rada of Ukraine to postpone of human rights of citizens of the Republic of Belarus on the committee’s agenda. Thanks to our consoli - seeking protection in Ukraine. - usian Students’ Association, for Law No. 6104 concern - the #BelarusWatch campaign ing support for political launched an international As part of the #PrisonersVoice prisoners of the Kremlin. campaign of solidarity with campaign, we held about

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA OUR TEAM Oleksandra Anna Romantsova Popova Executive Director Project manager aleksandra.romantsova [email protected] Serhina Aliona Tarnavska Bulba Project manager Project manager [email protected] [email protected] Tymur Liubov Levchuk Honcharova Project manager Accountant [email protected] [email protected] Roman Tetiana Nekoliak Kozachok Project manager Financial manager [email protected] [email protected] Kateryna Aliona Pomazanna Maksymenko Project manager Assistant Chairperson kateryna.pomazanna.ccl of the Board alona.maksymenko.ccl

BOARD MEMBERS Oleksandra Iryna Matviichuk Dumych Chairperson of the Board Member of the Board [email protected] [email protected] Alisa Nazarii Malytska Boyarsky Member of the Board Member of the Board [email protected] [email protected] Ksenia Shymanska Member of the Board [email protected] SUPERVISORY BOARD Tetiana Maria Mazur Kravchuk Independent consultant on CEO of Polimentor – organizational development digital advertising and of non-governmental contact-center organizations. Member of the boards of the Legal Initiative project and KyivPride NGO. Oleh Larysa Martynenko Denysenko Head of the analytical division Lawyer, human rights activist, writer. Member of the board and Rights Union. Director of the presenter at Hromadske Radio. UNDP Law Enforcement Research tolerance envoy in Ukraine. Member Center NGO. Doctor of Legal of the board at the International Sciences, criminologist. Renaissance Foundation.

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FINANCIAL REPORT SUPPORT RECEIVED UAH IN 2021: ed in cat e indi ar 3 0 1 l amounts 1 Al 7 0 2 e 2 0 c 5 0 0 an s 5 ands MIAs , 0 l , dom of the 96 7 g , enaioundationrs RF on 9 00 KinNether9l 0 fo 3 4 a 4 9 Acti s 8 7 rians l e e aa 2 t tb omus aon no o 6 v el H riati ernation G eed P t am r 0 In 100, F , on rli D a P 10

WWW.CCL.ORG.UA EXPENSES (ALL AMOUNTS ARE INDICATED IN UAH) Travels of 483,289 volunteers other events 3,122,491 (websites, social media, mass 1,989,160 media, video, design, visualization 1,998,200 145,020 Translations 78,056 1,479,496 Salaries of full-time 3,592,303 employees 1,851,928 (including rent, repair and 2,415,201 maintenance of premises, communications, bank, stationery 69,000 Other Costs 159,049

Total income 14,922,654 UAH Total expenses 17,383,193 UAH

Annual Report 2021 - Page 44